• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Repeaters Not Working Maximum, West Lampung Local Government Proposes This

Selasa, 09 Mei 2023 - 20.20 WIB

Repeater Tower in Pekon (Village) Kubu Perahu, Balik Bukit District. Photo: Echa/Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, West Lampung - After the emergence of complaints from the people of Pekon (Village) Kubu Perahu, Balik Bukit District regarding the insufficient functionality of repeaters or devices used as cellular signal boosters. West Lampung Regency Government through the Office of Communication and Informatics proposed the procurement of Base Transceiver Station (BTS) towers.

This was conveyed by the Head of West Lampung District Diskominfo, Munandar. According to him, the lack of maximum function of repeaters in the area is influenced by several things, including geographical conditions that make it difficult to capture signals with a strong network, because currently only 2G can be used optimally.

"Due to the geographical conditions that are surrounded by forests and winding roads, it is difficult for providers to get a signal with a strong network, there are only 2G networks that are strong enough, while 4G and above are no longer strong, while a number of providers are currently not using 2G networks and 3G again," Munandar said during an interview with journalists. Tuesday, May 9, 2023.

READ ALSO: Signal Booster Repeater Behind West Lampung Hill Doesn't Work Maximum, Residents Ask Regency Government to Fix it

Until now, his party has continued to try to propose the procurement of Base Transceiver Station (BTS) towers to solve this problem to a number of providers. This proposal has also been submitted to the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, because according to him, if you only rely on repeaters, internet network access is not optimal enough to meet internet network needs. for society.

"We have also received a good response from the Ministry regarding our proposal and hopefully what we are proposing can be realized so that we can resolve the blank spot problem on Bumi Beguai Jejama Sai Betik," he said.

In addition to proposing the construction of a Base Transceiver Station (BTS) tower, Munandar said his party had also made various other efforts to procure internet signals in the local area, including coordinating with village government officials to pull optical cables from areas that had a pretty good signal. .

"So later they will pull the optical cable from above, so that later it will be used the same as Indiehome, in that way of course there will also be a monthly fee if you use the option of pulling the optical cable but the community is also welcoming and ready to pay if it can make it easier for the community to get Internet access," he concluded.

Previously, the people of Pekon (Village) Kubu Perahu, Balik Bukit District, complained about the poor function of the repeater used to trigger or strengthen the internet network in the local area, even according to residents the range of the repeater was not as expected.

This was expressed by Bang Man, a local resident, according to him, the range of the repeater initially could cover a radius of 50 meters, but currently it is only 3 meters.

"Many residents have come here to complain asking for a solution so that repetition can be maximized because currently the radius range is no more than three meters, whereas the initial plan was that the radius could reach a distance of 50 meters," said Bang Man who also serves as head of stakeholders. (*)

KUPAS TV Video : Residents Restless! Signal Booster Repeater Behind West Lampung Hill Not Working Maximum

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