• Selasa, 11 Maret 2025

KPU Calls for Health Checks for KPPS Supervisors, Lampung Provincial Government: We are Ready

Minggu, 15 Oktober 2023 - 16.14 WIB

Photo: Illustration

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Lampung Provincial Government has stated that it is ready to carry out health checks for supervisors of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

"If we are asked to carry out health checks for the supervisors of the Voting Organizing Group who will be on duty in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, of course we will be ready," said Acting Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Service, Edwin Rusli, when asked for information, Sunday (15/10/2023 ).

On this occasion, Edwin said that until now his party was still waiting for a letter of application from the General Election Commission (KPU) regarding the examination of the supervisors of the Voting Organizing Group.

"But until now we are waiting for the application letter from the General Election Commission. Because it is impossible for us to carry out an inspection if we don't have the application letter," continued Edwin.

According to Edwin, the hospital most likely to carry out examinations of the supervisors of the Voting Organizing Group is the Abdul Moeloek Regional General Hospital.

"If the hospital that is being prepared is definitely the Abdul Moeloek Regional General Hospital because it is customary to carry out inspections of supervisors like that," he said.

Previously, the Chairman of the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia, Hasyim Asy'ari, asked the regional government to carry out health checks for supervisors of the Voting Organizing Group in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Polling Organizing Group officers must also be a maximum of 50 years old. This is to minimize the number of officers who die due to congenital diseases and age factors.

At the top of the list, the causes of death of the Voting Organizing Group supervisory officers in 2019 were due to heart attacks, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Later, for Voting Organizing Group officers who do not meet the health requirements, the General Election Commission through the regional government will provide medical services to ad hoc organizers.

As is known, the Voting Organizing Group is a group that is part of the ad hoc body for organizing the 2024 General Election.

The task of the Voting Organizing Group in voting and counting votes at TPS is to realize voter sovereignty, serve voters with their voting rights, and provide access and services to voters with disabilities.

In carrying out these duties, the Voting Organizing Group is expected to have transparency, neutrality, a high level of accuracy and be responsible.

Membership of the Voting Organizing Group consists of 1 chairman who also acts as a member, and 6 members.

The Chairman of the Voting Organizing Group is elected from and by the members of the Voting Organizing Group. This is in accordance with Article 29, where the chairman of the Voting Organizing Group is also a member of the Voting Organizing Group. (*)