Road Repair Budget in Lampung in the Revised APBD is IDR 147 Billion

Photo: Illustration., Lampung English - The Lampung Province Department of Highways and Construction (BMBK) received a budget of IDR 178 billion through the 2023 Revised Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). And IDR 147 billion will be used to repair 29 provincial roads.
Acting Head of the Lampung Province Highways and Construction Department, M. Taufiqullah, said that there was a budget of IDR 147 billion in the Revised APBD which was used specifically for road repairs for around 29 sections.
"In the Revised APBD we received an additional budget of IDR 178 billion. For road work, the budget is approximately IDR 147 billion consisting of 29 packages spread across all regions," said Taufiqullah, Monday 25 September 2023.
He said, through the 2023 Revised APBD, his party would continue to prioritize repairs on 14 provincial roads throughout Lampung.
"We are still prioritizing these 14 road sections, because the target is that by 2024 they will all be completed. There are sections in Tegal Mukti Tajab that used to be land, but now there is no land anymore," he explained.
"In this revised APBD, there are still around 3 kilometers of dirt roads, and this will be done on a base first. So by the end of 2023 the hope is that there will be no more dirt roads," he continued.
Taufiqullah revealed that the progress of repairing 14 provincial roads has now reached 85 percent, and is targeted to be completely completed by the end of October.
"To date, the priority of 14 priority roads has reached 85 percent and it is estimated that by the end of October all and PHO can be completed. Although there are several packages whose contracts will be implemented until December," he added.
He explained that efforts to accelerate repairs were to avoid weather disturbances such as rain which he feared would hamper the work process.
"We are trying to speed up until this October everything can be implemented. We are worried that it will be hampered by weather problems such as rain. God willing, the 14 sections will be completed in October," he said.
There are 14 provincial roads starting from Gajah City-Simpang Randu worth IDR 40 billion, Simpang Randu-Seputih Surabaya IDR 50.8 billion, and Seputih Surabaya-Sadewa IDR 8 billion.
Then, the Talang Padang-Ngarip section is IDR 32 billion, Ngarip-Ulusemong IDR 40 billion, Ulusemong-Tri Mulyo IDR 6 billion, Simpang Tri Mulyo-Bungin to Tugu Sari IDR 8 billion.
Then, the Kota Bumi-Ketapang section is IDR 15 billion, Ketapang-State Ratu IDR 15 billion, Negara Ratu-Simpang Soponyono IDR 25 billion, and Simpang Soponyono-Serupa Indah IDR 15 billion.
Furthermore, Bujung Tenuk-Penumangan Rp. 12.4 billion, Penumangan-Tegal Mukti Rp. 20.5 billion, Tajap-Serupa Indah Rp. 12 billion, and Tegal Mukti-Tajab Rp. 40 billion.
"Meanwhile, repairs to provincial roads using the APBN are currently in progress. "With financial assistance from the center, it is targeted that in 2023 the road will be stable at 79 percent," he said.
Taufiqullah explained that in this revised APBD, his party would start trying to use local e-catalogues. "Now we are learning to use local e-catalogs, because that is the fastest at the moment. Apart from that, it is mandated in the LKPP and we have to use local e-catalogs," he said.
According to him, there is no significant difference between the tender process using LPSE and e-catalog. "The actual conditions are the same as a normal auction. Only this is carried out using an e-catalogue. In the auction, we enter the bids, both technically and administratively. Meanwhile, in the local catalog, we look at the prices, then we study the company," he explained.
Meanwhile, Head of the Lampung Provincial Government's Goods and Services Procurement Bureau, Slamet Riyadi, said that appointing third parties to carry out road repairs in Lampung Province can now use local e-catalogs so there is no longer a need to carry out a tender process.
He said this was based on Presidential Decree Number 12 of 2021 and Perka LKPP Number 9 of 2021 and Decree of the Head of LKPP Number 122 of 2022.
"This regulation regulates online shops and electronic catalogues. So LKPP asks regional governments from provinces to districts/cities to be given the authority to open their own storefronts as needed," said Slamet.
Slamet explained that road construction improvements included in the local e-catalog showcase were a direct initiation from the Lampung Province Highways and Construction Department (BMBK).
"Our function here is only to accept proposals from OPD who will open the storefront. We will carry out a joint review of the requirements. However, the decision will still be from BMBK even though there are also provisions from LKPP," he said.
He revealed that in the local e-catalog the total work ceiling was up to IDR 200 million, which could be opened by procurement officials. However, if it is above IDR 200 million, the person who can open it is the commitment making official (PPK).
"The selection process is handed over to the PPK. The conditions are the same as tenders starting from SPU to having AMP. If the goods have been used, there is minimal competition," he said.
"So everyone is invited by the PPK which is the lowest price. But if it goes, it's possible to negotiate, so he sees that the conditions are met and he negotiates," he continued.
According to him, the tender process using local e-catalogs can minimize the occurrence of acts of corruption. Because every process is monitored by the BPK, BPKP and KPK
"This local e-catalog makes it easier and faster. Because if the tender takes up to 1 month, if it fails the tender will take time again. But if the local catalog is faster," he explained.
He appealed to companies to immediately enter the local e-catalog. "If anyone has trouble or is confused, please come to the office and we will help," he said. (*)
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