• Jumat, 18 Oktober 2024

There Were 29 Train Accidents in Lampung Until September 2023

Jumat, 22 September 2023 - 09.15 WIB

Kuala Stabas train accident with a truck at an illegal crossing without a gate in North Lampung, last Tuesday (18/7/23). Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Kereta Api Indonesia company (PT KAI) noted that there were 29 train (KA) accidents in Lampung Province until mid-September 2023. And there were 172 train crossings that were not guarded by officers.

This was conveyed by the Executive Vice President (EVP) of PT KAI Divre IV Tanjung Karang, Januri, in a focus group discussion (FGD) on security and safety at level crossings which was attended by passenger and goods transport entrepreneurs in the Lampung Province region which was held at the Sheraton Lampung Hotel, Thursday (21/9/2023).

Januri said, until mid-September 2023 there had been 29 train incidents with motorized vehicles and pedestrians in the Tanjung Karang Division IV area.

"16 incidents with motorized vehicles at level crossings, and 13 incidents with pedestrians on railway lines," said Januri.

He admitted that from the data received, events or incidents at railway level crossings in 2023 had decreased compared to 2022.

"Data for 2022 saw 50 incidents, 27 incidents between trains and motorized vehicles and 23 incidents between trains and pedestrians," he said.

He said that based on this data, his party cannot remain silent and there must be a mutual understanding regarding everyone's safety.

Januri explained that currently there are 39 railway crossings that are guarded, and 172 railway crossings that are not guarded by officers. "Meanwhile, there are 17 non-level crossings, in the form of flyovers and underpasses," he explained.

There were 29 train accidents in Lampung as of September, the growth of illegal crossings is in the spotlight

According to him, the position of level crossings is very vital to train operations. He emphasized that train accidents that occur at level crossings not only disrupt the journey of the train involved in the accident, but also other trains that pass through that route.

"From 2020 to September 2023, PT KAI has closed 17 level crossings with the aim of normalizing train routes and increasing the safety of train travel," said Januri.

"So our challenge is that every year illegal crossings grow even though we already have a signal that regulates whether to open a new level crossing, the rules are clear," he continued.

He reminded that the still high rate of accidents on railway lines, both at level crossings and railway track areas, is a problem that must be paid attention to by all railway stakeholders.

Januri hopes that all problems related to level crossings can be resolved immediately, and a solution can be immediately found for the existence of level crossings to ensure the safety of motorists and train travel.

"And what is no less important is that the awareness of road users must be increased so that the number of accidents at level crossings can be reduced to a minimum," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Lampung Province Transportation Service, Bambang Sumbogo, said that the large number of level or illegal crossings is a challenge and a concern for all parties. "In principle, if possible, there will be no illegal crossings at that level, which is what we hope for in the future," said Bambang.

For this reason, his party together with PT KAI, PT Jasa Raharja, and the Lampung Police Traffic Directorate always continue to monitor in the field. "If possible, we can reduce illegal crossings," he said.

According to Bambang, a lot of losses are experienced when train accidents occur at illegal crossings. "Material losses, not to mention if the train stops, will certainly disrupt services to passengers," he added.

"So safety is a shared responsibility, the central government, regional government, operators and the community, all have a responsibility. Because the role of the community is very important. So we hope that road users must be careful when crossing railway crossings," he said. (*)

This news was published in the Friday 22 September 2023 edition of Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper with the title "There were 29 train accidents in Lampung until September"