Governor Denies Forest and Land Fires in Lampung are the Largest in Sumatra

Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi. Photo: Special, Bandar Lampung - Lampung
Governor Arinal Djunaidi denies that forest and land fires (Karhutla) in
Lampung Province are the largest in Sumatra. Complete data on forest and land
fires for 2023 is at the Lampung Provincial Forestry Service.
Arinal said it was not true that forest and land
fires in Lampung were the largest in Sumatra. "It is not true that forest
and land fires in Lampung Province are the largest in Sumatra. Complete data on
forest and land fires is at the Lampung Provincial Forestry Service. "Then
contact the Head of the Lampung Forestry Service," said Arinal to,
Wednesday (20/9/2023).
Head of the Lampung Province Forestry Service,
Yanyan Ruchyansyah, said that the forest and land fires that occurred in
Lampung Province in the period January to August 2023 covered an area of 3,547
"With this number, Lampung Province is not
the area with the largest area of forest and land fires in Sumatra. We have
confirmed the data with the UPT Center for Climate Change Control (PPI)
Directorate General of PPI. We confirm the data because there are differences
in the data. "And the data from PPI and the Lampung Provincial Government
are the same," said Yanyan, Wednesday (20/9/2023).
Yanyan said, based on data from the Directorate
General of PPI, forest and land fires on the island of Sumatra in the period
January to August 2023 totaled 17,092 hectares.
"The largest is South Sumatra Province with
an area of 4,083 hectares, and after that Lampung Province with an area of
3,547 hectares," he said.
Yanyan explained, related to the decrease in the
number of hotspots but there was an increase in the area of forest fires, this
was a comparison from month to month.
"In 2022 until the end of December, the
area of forest and land fires will be approximately 5 thousand hectares.
Meanwhile, this year until August it will still be 3 thousand hectares. So
there is a decrease in the area of forest and land fires," he explained.
According to Yanyan, forest and land fires in
Lampung Province are dominated by the Way Kambas National Park (TNWK) in East
Lampung Regency.
"Most of the forest and land fires are in
the TNWK area, and it's not the forest that's burning. It's the savanna that's
burning. So the reed grasslands are often burned because of the actions of
poachers," he said.
Yanyan explained that Way Kambas National Park
was previously a production forest where logging was one of the activities.
However, after the Forest Concession Rights
(HPH) were established, encroachment occurred. This then causes marginal land
to become worse.
"After becoming a national park, succession
conditions were also hampered due to illegal hunting which used the savanna as
a strategic location for hunting using young grass shoots," he explained.
He explained that the succession process was
never achieved as long as this activity was still ongoing. Then, TNWK adopted a
policy by carrying out community empowerment efforts.
"This empowerment involves inviting the
community to participate in the rehabilitation of forest areas and then opening
opportunities for utilizing environmental services in the form of natural
tourism that connects buffer villages and TNWK," he said.
He hopes that with these efforts new income
opportunities will grow for the communities around the WKNP so that they will
help preserve Way Kambas and speed up the process of restoring its ecosystem by
preventing illegal activities within the WKNP.
"The efforts made by the Lampung Provincial
Government to suppress forest and land fires are by asking the regents and
mayors to take part in efforts to overcome and prevent forest and land
fires," he stressed.
"Indeed, early detection is an important
main action. Because once there is a fire it is difficult to extinguish it.
Therefore, the role of the community as the spearhead is very important,"
he continued.
Yanyan explained that his party had prepared 241
forest police, 20 groups of Fire Care Communities (MPI), 600 Forest Police
Partner Communities (MMP), 27 NGO disaster volunteer forums, assisted by the
TNI/Polri and district/city and provincial BPBDs to prevent forest and land
"We also hope that the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry can make KPH functional. Because KPH is on site and
has high intensity in the field, it is important to be empowered," he
As previously reported, Assistant Deputy 4/V
Kamtibmas of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security
Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Brigadier General Pol Lakoni, said that the number of
forest and land fires in Lampung Province continues to decline quite
drastically every year. However, Lampung Province is listed as the area with
the largest forest and land fires in Sumatra in 2023.
"Based on the results of identifying
problems in handling forest and land fires, many regions do not have operational
support for emergency extinguishing from BNPB," said Lakoni during a
coordination meeting for handling forest and land fires in Lampung in 2023
which took place at the Novotel Hotel, Bandar Lampung, Tuesday (19/9 /2023).
Apart from that, said Lakoni, there are also
problems with existing facilities and infrastructure for dealing with forest
and land fires which are already in progress.
worn and damaged condition. "Then many
companies have not been maximally involved in tackling forest and land
fires," he said.
Director of Forest and Land Fire Control at the
Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Thomas Tandi Bua, added that there
were several cases of forest and land fires that occurred in Lampung during the
January-August 2023 period.
Among them, on January 6 2023, a forest and land
fire occurred in Grid 34E of the Susukan Baru Resort, Way Kanan, precisely at
the Way Kambas National Park Hall with an area of approximately 70 hectares of
burned land. Then on January 9 2023, forest and land fires occurred again in
Grid 14E of the Susukan Baru Resort, Way Kanan, as well as in the Way Kambas
National Park of approximately 100 hectares.
"Furthermore, on January 14 2023, at Grid
68C Resort Rantau Jaya, Grid 67, 76, 77C Resort Toto Projo, Way Kambas National
Park Hall, the area of burned land was approximately 1,500 hectares," he
Then, on February 10 2023 at the Susukan Baru
resort, Way Kambas National Park Hall, another forest and land fire occurred
with a land area of 100 hectares.
"Then on February 11 2023 the Rantau Jaya
resort and Susukan Baru Resort SPTN 1 Way Kanan Way Kambas National Park Hall
burned 200 hectares. And indeed the most forest and land fires that occurred in
Lampung were in the WKNP," he explained. He continued, the total area of
TNWK land burned was approximately 1,970 hectares.
Thomas explained that outside the TNWK area,
forest and land fires also occurred in a number of areas in Lampung Province.
Namely in Central Lampung 125.45 hectares, East Lampung 2,752.92 hectares, North
Lampung 23.46 hectares, Mesuji 178.00 hectares, Tulang Bawang 224.22 hectares,
West Tulangbawang 4.55 hectares and Way Kanan 238.59 hectares.
Thomas appealed, in dealing with the impact of
the El Nino phenomenon, all parties must monitor data and information on
climate forecasts, weather and fire warning systems from BMKG.
Then monitor hotspots and information on forest
and land fire incidents from the field, as well as carry out outreach,
outreach, literacy campaigns and education in areas prone to forest and land
"It is also important to install signs and boards warning of the dangers of forest and land fires in strategic locations. As well as increasing monitoring of indications of forest and land fire incidents by carrying out patrols and field checks," he said. (*)
This news was published in the Thursday 21
September 2023 edition of Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper with the title "Governor
Denies Forest and Land Fires in Lampung as Widest in Sumatra"
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