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Fishermen's Association Rejects SJIM Corporation Reclamation at Karang Jaya Panjang Beach, Bandar Lampung

Selasa, 19 September 2023 - 09.05 WIB

Reclamation activities on the Karang Jaya Coast, Karang Maritim Subdistrict, Panjang District, Bandar Lampung, carried out by PT (corporate) Sinar Jaya Inti Mulya (SJIM). Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The All Indonesian Fishermen's Association (HNSI) of Lampung Province rejects reclamation activities on the Karang Jaya Coast, Karang Maritim Subdistrict, Panjang District, Bandar Lampung, carried out by PT (corporate) Sinar Jaya Inti Mulya (SJIM).

The reclamation project is considered to have taken away the rights of fishermen so that they have lost their livelihoods. Chairman of HNSI Lampung, Bayu Witara, said that the reclamation carried out by PT SJIM had a direct impact on fishermen on the coast of Karang Karang Jaya Beach, Panjang.

"The domino effect that is felt from the reclamation project starts from fishermen's catches dropping drastically, abrasion occurring and impacting the health of the fishing community," said Bayu, Monday (18/9/2023).

Bayu emphasized that HNSI Lampung strongly rejects the reclamation project carried out by PT SJIM on Karang Jaya Beach. According to him, the company never coordinated with related stakeholders such as the Lampung Province Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service (DKP) and HSNI Lampung which accommodate the aspirations of fishermen.

"The company did not involve related agencies. There was no coordination from the company to find the best solution for the reclamation project. Only a few parties were invited to coordinate by the company," he said.

Bayu also questioned whether the parties he discussed with PT SJIM could truly represent the voices of fishermen. "If they could represent the voice of fishermen, of course there would be no turmoil like this," he stressed.

Bayu said that his party would hold a meeting with the management and fishermen to take steps to address the PT SJIM reclamation project which had taken away the fishermen's rights.

"We will first see what the company's response is, and we will discuss taking the next steps," he explained.

A local fisherman, Wazid, said that catches of fish and sea worms dropped drastically after the reclamation carried out by PT SJIM.

"Before there was reclamation, we used to just look at the seashore and get shellfish, crabs, sea worms and fish. That was enough to support our family. But since there was reclamation, we have nothing left to catch," said Wazid, Monday ( 9/18/2023).

Not only that, continued Wazid, reclamation also has an impact on dust that spreads to residential areas. In fact, the installation of earth nails in the reclamation project caused the house pillars and glass to vibrate.

"The impact of the dust makes children often cough and experience respiratory problems. "There are already several children who have coughs, colds and shortness of breath," he said.

He revealed that fishermen had been able to live safely and peacefully before the reclamation took place. However, now the community is worried about reclamation activities.

According to him, so far the company has only had discussions with some fishermen. Never invite all fishermen to meet. "Only the RT, Kaling and village heads were invited to discuss. At least a few fishermen were invited to meet," he said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) will summon PTSJIM to carry out an Inspection Report (BAP) regarding reclamation activities taking place on the Karang Jaya Coast, Panjang District, Bandar Lampung.

"The KKP will confirm with business actors for clarification and provide additional information regarding marine space utilization permits," said Head of Marine Fisheries Resources Supervision at the Lampung Province Maritime and Fisheries Service (DKP), Sri R Dhamayanti, Friday (15/9/ 2023).

Sri said, based on the Job Creation Law Number 6 of 2023, the authority to manage and license the use of marine space falls under the authority of the central government, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

"So the one who handles maritime and fisheries affairs, in this case the KKP, is the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management," he said.

Sri emphasized that for reclamation activities carried out by PT SJIM, field inspections and requests for information (BAP) had been carried out by the police.

Apart from that, it also involved the PSDKP Base fisheries supervisor, the PSDKP Directorate General who was accompanied by the police and the Lampung Province DKP fisheries supervisor.

"Currently we are waiting for an exposure from the Directorate General of PSDKP KKP regarding the follow-up to the results of field inspections and requests for information and clarification from these business actors," he explained.

Previously, Member of Commission IV DPR RI, Hanan A Razak asked the KKP to immediately take steps related to the reclamation carried out by PT SJIM.

"There is a violation of the use of marine space from activities carried out by PT Sinar Jaya Inti Mulya in Lampung Bay. This is carrying out reclamation but there is no KKPRL approval yet," said Hanan.

Hanan ordered the KKP through the Directorate General of Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervision (Ditjen PSDKP) to immediately took steps.

"I think steps must be taken immediately because they are interpreting the rules according to themselves. According to them, reclamation is not included in the KKP's authority because it is in the port area. They say that, but the port is in the sea," stressed Hanan.

Hanan asked the Directorate General of PSDKP to immediately step in and discipline PT SJIM by imposing administrative sanctions and fines. (*)

This news was published in the Tuesday 19 September 2023 edition of Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper with the title "HNSI Rejects Reclamation of PT SJIM"