PDI-P Holds Digital Fighter Training Throughout Lampung Province

Digital fighter training for millennials, at the Sheraton Hotel, Bandar Lampung, Sunday 10 September 2023. Photo: Special
Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Lampung Province, Sudin, officially opened a digital warrior training activity which was attended by hundreds of youth throughout Lampung Province.
The digital fighter training activity of the DPD PDI Perjuangan Lampung took place in the ballroom of the Sheraton hotel, Bandar Lampung, Sunday 10 September 2023
In the activity, Sudin, who is also Chairman of Commission IV DPR RI, invited all Digital Warriors to use cyber space properly.
"Indonesia's population is approximately 280 million, so I invite all digital warriors to utilize the digital space healthily and well," said Sudin.
According to him, good and correct use of digital space can have an impact on increasing the knowledge of young people who are training participants.
"Digital technology that is so advanced must be utilized. All digital warrior participants can listen and study it seriously, because this is very useful knowledge," he said.
Sudin also asked all participants to take advantage of the training being held.
"I also ask for the spirit of the Pancasila struggle conveyed by the struggle. Those here are selected people and great people, therefore let's compete to become good digital warriors," he explained.
"If necessary, there are friends of mine who want it too, they are welcome," he added.
Sudin also invited millennials to enter the world of politics to strengthen the nation's ideological roots. Millennial involvement in the world of politics is very important. Moreover, with the current demographic bonus, young people will determine the fate of the nation.
"If someone says politics is rotten, that's wrong, because it's only individuals who do things like that," said Sudin.
Sudin said that the digital fighter training was an effort to combine political work in the digital space with the party's movement directly to the community, in order to win the presidential candidate supported by PDI Perjuangan Ganjar Pranowo and PDI Perjuangan in the upcoming 2024 elections.
"PDI Perjuangan continues to move to become a modern party. Combining conventional work with digital work. The digital fighter training participants are expected to be able to strengthen mutual cooperation work, consolidate the power of the people together with all PDI Perjuangan cadres to win the upcoming 2024 elections," he added.
The fast-moving development of information technology is driving increasingly rapid changes in the times, the production and distribution of information through features presented on digital devices and various applications that can be had with just the touch of a finger are spreading very quickly.
"In fact, quite a bit of the information circulating is a hoax, especially as we get closer to the 2024 elections. The world is currently experiencing rapid changes. Digital technology is affecting so many aspects of life. The party must not lose momentum in preparing all cadres to be social media literate ," he explained.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the DPD PDI Perjuangan Lampung Province, Dr. Donald Harris Sihotang explained that the activities were held as an effort to strengthen ideological roots and opinion strategies in facing the upcoming 2024 elections.
"DPD PDI Perjuangan Lampung held digital warrior training which was attended by 180 millennial participants from 15 regencies and cities throughout Lampung Province," he said.
Donald Sihotang also explained that participants who take part in the activity will receive material about social media starting from understanding social media, functions of social media, types of social media, various types of social media, how to use social media and then related to various data that can be obtained from media. social.
"Starting from data on internet and social media users in Indonesia, understanding the growth graph of internet users, when Indonesians access digital media, the main reasons people use the internet, the social media platforms that are most widely used," he explained.
"Then you can find out the number of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tik-Tok users, as an illustration of how to promote Mr. Ganjar Pranowo as a Presidential Candidate for the PDI Perjuangan, either via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Tik-tok and other social media," he stressed.
The chief organizer of the activity, Dr. Donald Harris Sihotang explained that this activity was a follow-up to the implementation of DPP PDI Perjuangan digital fighter training. In accordance with the DPP's direction, today the PDIP DPD is holding digital fighter training.
The aim of digital fighter training by the Lampung Province DPD PDI Perjuangan is not only to strengthen ideology but also to train opinionated strategies to win the 2024 Legislative and Presidential Elections.
The man who is also the Deputy Chair of the Creative Economy and Digital Economy, DPD PDI Perjuangan, targets that all millennial fighter participants can win Ganjar Pranowo to become president of the Republic of Indonesia.
He also said that all digital warrior participants were given training, starting from strengthening party ideology to presenting written work.
"The target is to win the presidential candidate of the Republic of Indonesia supported by the PDI Perjuangan, namely Mr. Ganjar Pranowo. So the participants are provided with various materials, starting from party ideology, news writing material, making press releases, managing social media and then understanding social media, its function social media to various types of social media," he said.
"Furthermore, there is also material about the use of various social media, how to use social media, how to create personal branding for resident candidates and the PDI Perjuangan, as well as how to access various data that can be obtained from social media," he continued.
The former press expert from the Press Council of the Republic of Indonesia, Representative of Lampung, also explained the meaning of the data presented in the training of PDI Perjuangan digital fighters.
"The data in question includes data on internet and social media users in Indonesia, understanding the growth graph of internet users, when Indonesians access digital media, the main reasons people use the internet and the social media platforms that are most widely used," he explained.
Not only that, hundreds of millennials were also given an understanding of how to find out the number of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tik-Tok users, as an illustration for promoting Mr. Ganjar Pranowo as a Presidential Candidate for the PDI-P on various social media platforms.
"Be it via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Tik-tok and other social media. Participants will also be provided with material to understand the buzzer phenomenon, starting from understanding the general character of buzzers, buzzer strategies. PDI Perjuangan will use social media to socialize branding Ganjar Pranowo as PDI Perjuangan's Presidential Candidate," he explained.
Apart from understanding material about social media, participants were given an understanding of strategies for using cyber troops, and understanding the ITE Law.
"In the current era of digitalization, the party will face many challenges in the future, so as a solid and organized party, PDI Perjuangan requires militant cadres who have discipline, commitment and consistency in believing and implementing the orders of the Pancasila ideology," he concluded. (*)
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