Four Hundred Thousand Residents of Lampung Have Not Received Health Insurance

Photo: illustration, Lampung English - The Social Security Administration for Health noted that as many as four hundred thousand residents in Lampung Province have not received health insurance services or universal health coverage (UHC). They are spread over four districts.
Main Director of BPJS for Health, Ali Gufron Mukti, said the four regions that have not yet provided UHC services to their citizens are the Tulang Bawang, West Tulangbawang, West Lampung and Way Kanan districts.
"It's actually not difficult for these four regions to implement UHC as long as we all have the commitment and work even harder. Meanwhile for the other eleven regions it's already UHC," said Ali, during the launch of UHC at the Keratun Hall, Lampung Governor's Office, Monday, August 28, 2023.
Ali revealed that as of August 1, 2023, the number of Lampung people who have received National Health Insurance has reached 8,527,908 people or around 95.3 percent of the total population.
"So there are still 400,000 Lampung people who have not been included in the National Health Insurance. Of course we have to work even harder so that all Lampung people can be included in the National Health Insurance," he said.
According to him, the only effort that can be made to encourage all Lampung people to join the National Health Insurance is by inviting individuals, the community or workers who are not wage earners.
"We also encourage company owners who have employees to register them as members of the National Health Insurance. Because Lampung people are rich, some have medical faculties," he said.
Regional Secretary of Lampung Province, Fahrizal Darminto said, based on Presidential Instruction Number 01 of 2022 concerning Optimization of the Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program, that the President had instructed 30 ministries or agencies including heads of regional governors, regents and mayors to take strategic steps according to their duties, their respective functions and authorities in optimizing the implementation of the National Health Insurance program in order to achieve universal health insurance or UHC.
"Following up on the Presidential Instruction, the Provincial Government of Lampung supports this National Health Insurance program and ensures that all residents of Lampung Province have basic protection for health insurance by being registered as active participants in the National Health Insurance program," said Fahrizal.
According to Fahrizal, the Lampung Provincial Government has issued Circular Letter of the Governor of Lampung Number: 045/0734/V.02/2022 concerning Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program in Lampung Province.
Previously, the Governor of Lampung Regulation Number 71 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of the Lampung Province Health Insurance Program was also issued, which was also a form of support from the Lampung Provincial Government for being serious in supporting the National Health Insurance program.
"To ensure the quality of National Health Insurance services, on May 14, 2023 the Provincial Government has instructed all regional heads as well as heads of Lampung government and private facilities to provide services for participants of the National Health Insurance easily, quickly and equally without discrimination," he explained.
He explained, according to a report from BPJS Kesehatan, data on the coverage of JKN program participation in the Lampung Province as of August 1, 2023 had reached 95.31 percent or 8,527,908 people out of the population of Lampung Province, which was 8,947,458 people.
"This means that with this achievement Lampung Province already has the UHC predicate. Of course this achievement is a form of real commitment that the government has been present to ensure that people have access to guaranteed quality health services," he explained.
However, continued Fahrizal, there were still four districts that had not yet achieved UHC, namely West Lampung Regency with 92.51 percent achievement, Way Kanan Regency with 83.33 percent, Tulang Bawang Regency with 82.73 percent, and West Tulangbawang Regency with 72.70 percent.
"Hopefully these four districts will immediately take strategic steps to accelerate UHC. So that as a whole it can support the achievements of UHC in Lampung Province and can soon reach a minimum of 98 percent or 100 percent in 2024," he added.
Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Way Kanan Regency Government, Saiful, when contacted, said that it is true that not all Way Kanan UHC residents.
“It is true that not all Way Kanan UHC residents. Because about 70 percent of our population has only registered with BPJS, so we still need another 20 to 30 percent to be considered UHC," said Saiful, Monday 28 August 2023.
Saiful revealed that the reason not all Way Kanan residents have registered for BPJS Health is because of the limited budget. "In fact, there are wealthy citizens who should be able to independently pay their own BPJS contributions and there are still those who don't want to register for BPJS Health. So that's why we don't have UHC yet,” pungkasnya. (*)
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