• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

The Case of Advent Pratama Telaumbanua Death, Head of Lampung Police: There are Allegations of Abuse of Victims

Kamis, 24 Agustus 2023 - 11.44 WIB

The Lampung Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Helmy Santika, when giving statement to the media. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Lampung Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Helmy Santika said that there were allegations of abuse being committed against students of the Lampung State Police School (SPN), Advent Pratama Telaumbanua, until they died.

This was conveyed by Helmy Santika during a press conference at the Lampung Regional Police Headquarters which was also attended by the Head of the Kompolnas Daily, Inspector General of Police. (Purn.) Benny Josua Mamoto, Kompolnas Commissioner Poengky Indarti, Head of Lampung Province Ombudsman Nur Rakhman Yusuf and representatives of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Lampung.

"There are all the allegations (of persecution), but we are back again waiting for the results of the autopsy which we will match with the results of the TKP and the available witnesses. The point is that there is no speculation/bias, we agreed to wait for that (autopsy)," said the Regional Police Chief, Wednesday (23/8).

Helmy said that the police had conducted a TKP (crime scene) and examined a number of witnesses, especially the deceased's colleagues who were with him at the time of the incident. "The results are we are still waiting for the autopsy results, please be patient," said the Kapolda.

Helmy revealed that his platoon colleagues from the late Adventist Pratama Telaumbanua also suffered the same injuries as the victim.

"(The involvement of Brigadier I) is still being investigated, because we have to gather this incident with the available evidence. The other platoon victims have also been examined, then related to the alleged injuries (to the victim) it turns out that the victim's colleagues also experience the same thing, it's due to physical training," he explained.

Helmy emphasized that his party was still waiting for the autopsy results of the late Advent Pratama Telaumbanua from Adam Malik Hospital in Medan to find out the exact cause of the victim's death.

"The autopsy results haven't come out yet, and let's wait together, whatever the results we will convey," said Helmy.

Chief Executive of Kompolnas, Inspector General Pol. (Purn) Benny Josua Mamoto appreciated the Lampung Regional Police who moved quickly to form a special team and opened up space for external parties to come to the TKP following the reconstruction and carry out in-depth investigations so that the case would become clear.

"This substance problem is related to the results of the autopsy, and the results will answer the cause of death. So the handling of this case is a scientific crime investigation. Therefore, while waiting for the results of the autopsy, the in-depth examination process is still ongoing and of course it will be conveyed to the public. So please be patient," said Benny.

Going forward, Benny requests that educational institutions in Indonesia need to install CCTV to supervise students who are doing their education.

"We have visited several places, it is necessary in the context of monitoring the implementation of education, supervision of students requires technological support such as CCTV which must be everywhere," he said.

"So that later the behavior of students can be monitored, so they don't commit violations. On the other hand, the supervisor is also monitored if he commits violence. This is one of the points, because we have visited several SPNs and even the Police Academy, that is also one of our concerns. ," Benny continued.

Previously it was reported that the Lampung Regional Police had examined as many as 30 witnesses to uncover the death of Advent Pratama Telaumbanua. The witnesses examined included several caregivers and friends of the late Adventists including Brigadier I who was suspected of committing the persecution.

The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Umi Fadillah Astutik said that his party was still carrying out intensive investigations.

"About 30 witnesses were examined including several caregivers and friends of the deceased Adventist, Brigadier I were also examined," said Umi, when confirmed, Tuesday (22/8).

Even though many witnesses have been examined, Umi has not been able to reveal the results of the interim examination. "Please be patient, it will be time for us to explain, the results of the examination cannot be delivered yet," he said.

Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Pol Helmy Santika has also appointed Lampung Deputy Police Chief, Brigadier General Umar Effendi, as head of the special team to uncover the case. This special team consists of Irwasda, Dirreskrimum, Head of HR, Head of Propam and Head of Dokkes.

It is known that a new student at SPN Polda Lampung Advent Pratama Telaumbanua died while undergoing education on Tuesday (15/8) afternoon. The results of the diagnosis at Bhayangkara Polda Lampung Hospital said that the Adventist had a cardiac arrest or stopped breathing. (*)

This news was published in the Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper of Thursday 24 August 2023 with the title "Kapolda: There are Allegations of Abuse of Victims"