Lampung Province Still Lacks Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Photo: Head of the Lampung Province Transportation Service, Bambang Sumbogo. Photo: Documents/, Lampung English - The Indonesian government continues to develop battery-based electric motorized vehicles and has designed a road map for the use of electric vehicles as a national means of transportation in society.
In an effort to accelerate the use of electric vehicles, President Joko Widodo has also signed a Presidential Regulation on the Acceleration of Development of Electric Motorized Vehicles (Electric Cars).
Head of the Lampung Province Transportation Service, Bambang Sumbogo said, accelerating the use of electric vehicles is a central government policy that must be supported by local governments.
"Electric vehicles are a central government policy that we must support. Right now we are preparing regional regulations regarding electric vehicles. Because ministerial regulations and presidential regulations already exist," said Bambang, when questioned, Sunday 20 August 2023.
He said, the use of electric vehicles is not easy. Where one of the obstacles is the existence of a Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) which is still minimal, so it needs to be added.
"Using an electric vehicle is not that easy because you have to prepare a charging facility. Using it is of course good because it will reduce fuel subsidies given by the government every year," he said.
While Observer of Transportation and Land Use of the ITERA Regional and City Planning Study Program, IB Ilham Malik said, the use of electric cars is currently a trend after the central government provided several conveniences.
"Currently, electric vehicles have become a trend since the existence of government policies. Since this has become a trend, of course, the purchase of vehicles has increased. It's just that the population of electric vehicles is still very low," said Ilham Malik.
He added, the still low number or population of electric vehicles in Lampung needs to be studied by the government. Is one of them affected by inadequate facilities and infrastructure.
"If infrastructure, especially for energy supply, is still minimal, it means that the government and other stakeholders have to solve it. Because if the facilities are adequate, of course people will also want to buy," he continued.
Ilham explained, in terms of the geometry of the existing roads in Lampung, especially the center of the capital city in each region, it is very adequate if electric vehicles pass them.
"Looking at the geometry of the roads in the capital cities of each region, they are sufficient for electric vehicles to pass. If the variable is the availability of facilities and infrastructure, which is still lacking, the government must solve that," he explained.
He hopes that the central government can increase the existence of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Such as in shopping centers, government centers and at every Public Fuel Filling Station.
"Public Electric Vehicle Filling Stations can be expanded in shopping centers, offices, in settlements or indeed there are special charging points, for example at all Public Fuel Filling Stations under the management of Pertamina. So there must be cooperation between agencies," he explained.
Based on records, Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in the Lampung area are in the KM 49A rest area, KM 163A, KM 172B rest area, KM 20B rest area and one more is located on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta (Bypass) precisely in the Els Coffee area and Roastery. (*)
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