• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Uptake of Subsidized Fertilizers in Lampung is Only 42 Percent

Rabu, 09 Agustus 2023 - 20.18 WIB

Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - Lampung Province in 2023 will receive an allocation of 537,195 tons of subsidized fertilizer. The types of subsidized fertilizers range from Urea, NPK and special formula NPK.

Head of the Lampung Province Food Crops and Horticulture Service Office, Bani Ispriyanto, said the absorption of subsidized fertilizers in Lampung was on average at 42 percent.

"The allocation of subsidized Urea fertilizer absorption was 304,077 tons, realization was 129,142.04 tons or 42.47 percent, NPK allocation was 222,474 tons and realization was 94,030.36 tons or 42.27 percent and NPK special formula allocation was 10,644 tons and realization was 32. 40 tonnes," said Bani, when questioned, Wednesday 9 August 2023.

He added, subsidized fertilizer stocks in Lampung are guaranteed to be safe until the end of next year. His party also cooperates with the Fertilizer and Pesticide Control Commission to ensure that the distribution is right on target.

"God willing, the stock will be safe until the end of the year. The Fertilizer and Pesticide Supervision Commission will carry out its own supervision and within its team there will be elements from the Regional Police and the High Court," he said.

Meanwhile Deputy Chairperson of Commission II of the Regional Representatives Council of Lampung Province, I Made Bagiasa hopes that the Lampung Provincial Government will ensure that the distribution of subsidized fertilizer can be on target according to what is recorded in the Group Needs Definitive Plan Electronic (e-RDKK).

"The hope is of course that the distribution must be right on target. Don't let people who are not eligible even receive subsidized fertilizer so that it must be ensured according to the Electronic Definitive Plan for Group Needs," said I Made Bagiasa.

In addition, he also asked the Lampung Provincial Government to monitor the highest retail price of fertilizers and ensure that farmers have no difficulty in finding non-subsidized fertilizers.

According to him, this needs to be anticipated considering that when the planting season arrives, farmers always complain about the difficulty of getting fertilizer and the selling price is becoming expensive.

"The Provincial Government must make a commitment with the employers so that the availability of fertilizer is always there. Because what often happens when the harvest season arrives, fertilizer is scarce or the price is expensive," he concluded. (*)

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