In 2023, 4,853 Hectares of Forest and Land in Lampung Indonesia are Burned

Illustration, Bandar Lampung - The Lampung
Province Forestry Service (Dishut) noted, from January to June 2023 there were
4,853.36 hectares of forest and land in Lampung Province on fire. The fires
spread to 1,253 locations. While Lampung Province has a state forest area of
1,004,735 hectares.
The Head of the Lampung Provincial Forestry
Service, Yanyan Ruchyansyah, said that the area of forest and land that had
been burned had been verified by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
"Our data and monitoring of forest and
land fires have been verified by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
(KLHK). Most of the incidents were in East Lampung Regency covering an area of
4,656 hectares," Yanyan said after a meeting on the formation of the
forest and land fire task force (Karhutla) in the meeting room Lampung
governor's office, Wednesday (26/7).
Yanyan said, based on the results of
coordination in the field, fires in the Way Kambas National Park area,
especially in the savanna area, occur regularly every dry season.
"The fire was intentional. Because it
happened over and over again. Prevention efforts by empowering communities
around the forest, "he said.
Yanyan admitted that it is very difficult to
control fires in forest areas because the area is large and overgrown with
flammable reeds.
"The most effective effort is mitigation
by empowering the community so that they become barricades in the area,"
he added.
Yanyan explained, currently the Provincial
Government of Lampung already has a task force (Satgas) for dealing with forest
fires involving all agencies from the Regional Disaster Management Agency
(BPBD) as the coordinating center, police, prosecutors, Danrem, Lanal, and
several related agencies. The task force involved 2,017 officers.
Previously, the Governor of Lampung, Arinal
Djunaidi said forest fires were an event that had to be anticipated during the
dry season.
“The formation of a task force for forest and
land fire management is the right step. I've been in forestry so I understand
very well. So today we need to form a karhutla task force," said Arinal
while giving a speech at a meeting to form a forest and land fire task force in
the Lampung Governor's office meeting room, Wednesday (26/7).
Arinal said the Karhutla Task Force would
carry out several main programs such as early fire detection, routine (land and
air) patrols, periodic reporting of activities and establishing cooperation
between all agencies.
“Forest and land fires will harm the
environment and farming communities. Moreover, Lampung is one of the national
food storage areas. If prevention is not carried out on an ongoing basis,
forests will no longer contribute to the environment, both oxygen and water
availability for agriculture," said Arinal.
Arinal said the presence of the karhutla task
force was also expected to anticipate wildlife deaths due to forest fires. For
this reason, the karhutla task force will be confirmed through a Lampung governor's
decree and reported to the Minister of Environment and Forestry.
"So I ask for the perpetrators of forest
fires to be sanctioned. For the follow-up, an SK task force will be
issued," he said.
The Lampung Province Karhutla Task Force is
chaired by the Governor of Lampung, Deputy Chief of the Lampung Police, Danrem
043/Gatam, Danlanal and Head of the Lampung Province BPBD.
Director of the Indonesian Forum for the
Environment (Walhi) Lampung, Irfan Tri Musri said, in efforts to prevent forest
and land fires, public awareness is needed not to burn land for any reason.
"Hopefully the karhutla task force will
also have elements from the community, so they are aware of the impact of fire
on the environment. This needs education, don't burn land when it's dry,"
said Irfan.
Irfan asked law enforcement officers to give strict sanctions to people who were proven to have set fire to forests on purpose. "Such as when opening new arable land, people usually burn forests. This should be given strict sanctions so that there is a deterrent effect," he said. (*)
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