307 Women and Children in Lampung Indonesia Become Victims of Violence

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - A total of
307 women and children in Lampung Province became victims of violence during
the January-June 2023 period. The victims of violence were dominated by
children under the age of 79.2 percent.
The Lampung Province Women's Empowerment and
Child Protection Service (DPPPA) noted that from January to June 2023 there
were 285 cases of violence against women and children in Lampung with a total
of 307 victims.
Head of PPPA Lampung Province Office,
Fitrianita Damhuri said, of these, violence against minors was still the
dominating case.
"The percentage of victims of violence
that occurred was 20.8 percent or 64 cases occurred to adults, and 79.2 percent
or 243 cases occurred to minors," said Fitrianita, Friday (21/7).
Fitrianita revealed that Central Lampung
Regency was the area with the most cases, namely 72, and West Lampung Regency
with the lowest 3 cases.
"Of the 285 cases, the total number of
victims was 307. In detail, 64 cases occurred in adults, and the other 243
cases occurred in children," he said.
She explained that there were several factors
behind the occurrence of violence against women and children in Lampung
Province, including economic factors and child marriage. The majority of
perpetrators and victims of violence still have family ties.
Fitrianita explained that various efforts had
been made to prevent violence against women and children, including educating
the community and families, involving various figures, both community leaders,
religious leaders and other related parties.
"So we have three ongoing efforts to
suppress violence against women and children. Namely prevention, treatment or
assistance to victims and finally reintegration. We continue to maximize these
efforts to suppress cases," explained Fitrianita.
The Director of the Lampung Province
Monitoring Institute for Women and Children's Rights (LPHPA), Toni Fisher,
encouraged law enforcement officials (APH) to apply appropriate punishment to
all perpetrators of violence against women and children.
"We really hope that law enforcement
officials in Lampung will immediately apply castration to all perpetrators of sexual
violence against children, not only to perpetrators of biological fathers but
to all perpetrators," said Toni.
According to him, in order to apply an
appropriate punishment, all elements of society, especially the local
government, need to be supported, bearing in mind that in Lampung there was a
castration sentence but it was annulled at a higher court.
The former Chairperson of the Lampung Province
National Commission for Child Protection (KPA) in the Field of Fulfilling
Children's Rights also hopes that the central government will conduct
monitoring and evaluation of all levels of local government in Lampung related
to various programs and budgets for the protection of women and children.
"Once again, I ask the Central Government
starting from the Coordinating Minister for PMK, Coordinating Minister for
Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Bappenas, Minister for Home Affairs,
Minister for PPPA, come down and check the ability of local governments in
Lampung in protecting children and women in Lampung," he explained.
The Damar Lampung Women's Advocacy Institute
said that the rampant cases of violence against women and children that
occurred in Lampung indicated a lack of safe space for women and children from
these crimes.
"Sexual violence that occurs against
children or incest with the perpetrator is very dominating the biological
father. This shows that there is no safe and comfortable place for women and
children, including at home," said Damar Lampung Executive Director, Eka
Tiara Chandra Nanda.
Eka explained, the main factors that still
occur in many cases of violence against women and children today are
patriarchal culture and power relations.
"The concept of patriarchal culture and
power relations that women and children belong to husbands or parents are the
main factors in the occurrence of these acts of violence," She said.
According to him, what should be a concern is
the impact after the incident of violence, namely the physical impact in the
form of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including unwanted
"Victims have the potential to experience
internal injuries, bleeding, damage to internal organs. So it is important for
victims to be given health rehabilitation services, especially reproductive
health, with a series of other routine checks," said Eka.
In addition, he continued, the psychological
impact on child victims of sexual violence and abuse will experience deep
trauma. "Victims of violence and sexual harassment are often ostracized in
social life," She explained.
He explained, in response to this, what must
be done is to provide health services in the form of psychological recovery,
and rehabilitation and social reintegration services to victims. So that
victims get motivation and moral support to get back up and continue their
Efforts that are no less important are provide
education or knowledge to children about gender equity and anti-violence, as
well as sexual education both at school and in other social groups.
"Damar really supports law enforcement
efforts for victims by implementing the Law on Sexual Violence in cases that
occur," She said.
Governor Receives Award
Meanwhile, the Governor of Lampung, Arinal
Djunaidi won the Child-Friendly Province Pioneer Award (Provila) from the
Indonesian Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection on the eve of
the 2023 Child-friendly district/city appreciation award at the Padma Hotel
Semarang, Central Java, Saturday (22/7).
The Provila Award was given to Arinal Djunaidi
because he was considered to have excelled in coaching, supervising and
assisting districts/cities in fulfilling children's rights and special
protection for children through the implementation of KLA, both policies,
programs and activities in accordance with statutory mandates.
By achieving this award, it means that Lampung
has won the award twice since 2022 and again in 2023.
The award was handed over directly by the
Minister of PPPA Bintang Puspayoga to 14 provinces that received the Predicate
of Child-Friendly Provinces, including one of them, Lampung Province.
Provila is a form of synergy and hard work
both at districts/cities and across districts/cities within each province in
realizing efforts to fulfill and protect children's rights.
Provila can be achieved if all districts and
cities become child-friendly districts/cities (KLA), all sub-districts and
villages/kelurahan become child-friendly sub-districts and villages/wards
(Kelana and Dekela). (*)
This news has been published in Kupas Tuntas
daily newspaper, Monday 24 July 2023 edition with the title "307 Women and
Children in Lampung Become Victims of Violence"
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