• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Cultural Artists Can Get Assistance Through Indonesiana Funds

Selasa, 18 Juli 2023 - 09.27 WIB

Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia opened registration for Indonesiana Fund beneficiaries for cultural actors starting Monday 17 July 2023.

The Head of the Cultural Sector of the Education and Culture Office of Lampung Province, Heni Astuti conveyed, there are many types of Indonesian Funds and are currently intended for cultural actors.

"The Indonesiana Fund was opened because of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic yesterday, the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Directorate General of Culture has opened opportunities for artists and humanists. We also always socialize programs like this," he explained.

Heni invited cultural actors to register for the Indonesianna Fund by directly accessing the website https://danaindonesiana.kemdikbud.go.id in order to benefit from the funding.

"The Ministry of Education and Culture has a curation team and they know how much assistance will be given. Each cultural actor is asked to submit a lesson plan and upload the results of the activities," he explained.

The Director General of Culture, Hilmar Farid acknowledged that funding for cultural activities has so far been minimal, so that various initiatives and creativity in the cultural sector have not worked as they should.

Hilmar further said, through the Cultural Endowment Fund it is hoped that these conditions can be overcome and improved so that various community initiatives in the field of culture can be accommodated and facilitated as long-term investments.

"In other words, we hope that this funding will expand public access to funding sources to strengthen public involvement in a sustainable cultural promotion ecosystem," he said.

He explained that the Indonesian Fund development service program was divided into several categories with target beneficiaries including individuals, cultural communities/organizations and institutions engaged in the cultural sector.

The specified service program categories include facilitation in the field of culture for communities and cultural actors, which are divided into institutional support for cultural institutions and organizations, and learning with maestros.

Then the production of cultural activities which are divided into utilization of public space, micro cinema, and strategic activities; media production which is divided into documentation of maestro works/knowledge, creation of innovative creative works, counterpart funds for international distribution, and counterpart funds for featured works; and other service programs according to the direction of the board of trustees.

Hilmar said that the 2023 Indonesiana Fund was specifically designed for the cultural sector, so that the results of the development of the Indonesiana Fund could be used by cultural actors more flexibly. The cost standards will also be more in line with the needs of activities and cultural actors.

"For the allocation of funding that can be utilized in 2023, among others, it exceeds Rp. 200 billion. To receive the benefits of the Indonesiana Fund, prospective beneficiaries will later follow a rigorous selection process by a selection committee team that is specifically tasked with evaluating proposals," he said.

"Through the 2023 Indonesiana Fund, it is hoped that artists and cultural actors will be motivated to generate passion and cultural activities within the framework of advancing culture in Indonesia," he said. (*)

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