Lampung Province Becomes a National Food Barn

Photo: Illustration., Lampung English - The economic condition of Lampung Province has experienced growth from year to year, namely 4.96 percent, this is based on data from the first quarter of 2023 to the first quarter of 2022.
This was conveyed by the Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi at the infrastructure seminar for the DPD Indonesian Road Development Association (HIPJI) of Lampung Province and the Association of Indonesian Engineers (PII) for the Lampung region with the theme of building synergy in handling to increase production efficiency and regional connectivity, at the Novotel Hotel, Thursday July 13, 2023.
Arinal said that this growth was inseparable from the role of a number of infrastructure developments, one of which was the road sector.
"Looking at the economic production growth sector in transportation and warehousing, which experienced an increase in growth of 25.80 percent, then from the export side of goods and services experienced the highest growth of 10.12 percent," said Arinal.
Arinal said that until now Lampung Province has become one of the national food storages, its production results have had an impact and contributed greatly to national food.
"For example, rice is the highest nationally produced commodity from 2019 to 2020, apart from rice there is also sugar cane and coffee which are ranked 2nd nationally, then pineapple and cassava are ranked 1st nationally, corn is ranked 3rd nationally and also livestock which is in the position in rank 2 on the island of Sumatra," he added.
To support smooth distribution from production sites to markets in the Lampung region and to ports, said Arinal, guarantees must be provided.
"However, with the limitations of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget, each region is one of the obstacles, which today we are faced with financing road infrastructure, especially in the regions. But not only in Lampung Province, where road stability is still low, even all regions in Indonesia where provincial roads are at the level of 72 percent and regional roads are at 60 percent," he continued.
In the Lampung Province RPJMD 2019-2024, the 4th mission mandates 'Developing Infrastructure to Increase Production Efficiency and Regional Connectivity'. This mission is also supported by 33 main work agendas through the Lampung Berjaya Infrastructure program.
Arinal also explained that at the beginning of 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic hit globally, nationally and regionally where the element of public safety was prioritized, resulting in several programs, one of which was infrastructure development, which were not optimal and delayed.
"This is the cause of delays in infrastructure development in Lampung Province and even throughout Indonesia," he concluded. (*)
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