Political Parties Movement in Lampung Wins Sympathy of Millennial Voters

Political Parties Participating in the 2024 Election. Photo: Illustration.
Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - Millennial voters aged 25-39 years in Lampung Province on the final voter list (DPT) for the 2024 election are 2,094,127 or 32.2 percent. This number is the highest compared to other age group voters.
A number of political parties in Lampung have their own strategies and methods of attracting the sympathy of millennial voters.
As was done by the DPW PKS Lampung, DPW NasDem Lampung, DPW PPP Lampung, and DPW PKB Lampung.
Chairman of the PKS Lampung DPW, Ahmad Mufti Salim said, there were 3 main strategies to attract millennial sympathy. First, there are millennial candidates, second, having a program for millennials, third, understanding millennial needs.
"At PKS there is a policy for candidacy that must be in favor of millennials, both in terms of the number nominated and the priority of how millennials and women can be elected," he said when contacted, Wednesday 12 July 2023.
Mufti revealed that his party had nominated 15-20 percent or around 15 Legislative Council members out of a total of 85 seats in the Lampung Province DPRD.
"All levels of nomination, both Regency/City and Province, are to nominate millennial and female names. Not because there are many millennials, but there must be a need," he said.
"PKS realizes that there are many millennials, besides us using programs, there must be millennial candidates there," he said again.
He also understands that millennials need social media, which has interacted with the digital world since birth, so they must continue to learn to understand changes in the millennial generation compared to previous generations.
"PKS must address the needs of millennials who have a spirit of collaboration, a spirit of integration with the outside world, but they are also not very interested in the world of politics," he said.
Then DPW NasDem Lampung through Deputy Chairperson for Public Communication Rahmat Husein Ja'far explained that there were 2 strategies being carried out to attract millennial voters. First, with the incessant use of social media platforms, second, about ideas for solutions to millennial problems.
"In this era, people are already literate in information, moreover, we know that social media can uplift and judge whoever it is. The orientation of the NasDem Bacaleg on social media is emphasized, on social media we can display ideas and individuals from Bacalegs," he said.
The election, said Husen, is a battle for ideas and the party's track record. It's not just a matter of image but also the party's program.
"How to attract the sympathy of novice voters, the ideas offered by NasDem must be able to answer the future challenges of Indonesian youth," he said.
"This is a problem regarding employment opportunities for our younger generation to fill workplaces, so it's not a matter of inability but a matter of limited job opportunities," he said again.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the DPW PPP Lampung, Supriyanto, said that his strategy to gain the sympathy of the millennial group was to place potential Legislators.
"We will install potential legislative candidates and spread them throughout the Lampung region, where around 50% of the 85 Provincial Legislators are millennials. We started the campaign with social media," he concluded.
Then the DPW PKB Lampung through the Chairman of the Election Winning Body, Jauharoh Haddad, said that his party was able to attract the sympathy of the millennial group by frequently interacting with millennials.
"Yes, it's true that the majority of the millennial voter group, PKB is currently having coffee activities with millennial youth, there are also foot ball and volleyball competitions in areas," he said. (*)
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