• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

1,303 Cattle in Lampung Infected with Lumpy Skin Disease, 972 Declared Recovered

Rabu, 12 Juli 2023 - 20.34 WIB

Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Provincial Government of Lampung through the Livestock and Animal Health Service noted that as of July 12, 2023 cases of livestock infected with Clumping Skin Disease (LSD) in Lampung Province totaled 1,303 cases, 972 of which have been declared cured.

The Head of the Livestock and Animal Health Service for the Province of Lampung, Lili Mawarti, through the Animal Health and Public Health Sector, Veterinary Anwar Bahri said the number of cases was spread across 11 City Districts in Lampung Province.

The details of the case are:

  1. North Lampung, 203 cases 2 died, 8 conditionally discharged, 164 recovered and 29 cases are still under treatment
  2. South Lampung, 131 cases 1 died, 37 recovered and 93 tails in the healing process
  3. Onion Bones, 4 cases 1 piece is conditional and three are declared cured
  4. Mesuji, 9 cases and all are still recovering
  5. West Tulang Bawang, 11 cases and has been declared cured
  6. East Lampung, 355 cases, all of which have been declared cured
  7. Way Kanan, 42 cases declared cured
  8. Metro, 403 cases of which 229 have been declared cured and 174 are currently undergoing treatment
  9. West Lampung, 108 cases 98 recovered 10 others in recovery.
  10. Central Lampung, 33 cases have been declared cured
  11. Pesawaran, 4 cases in the healing process

"Total 1,303 cases, 972 recovered, 319 recovered, 9 conditional slaughtered and 3 dead," said Anwar when confirmed, Wednesday 12 July 2023.

However, there are some differences in data related to confirmed cases of LSD in livestock, especially in South Lampung. Where in the data released by the South Lampung District Animal Husbandry Service, there were as many as 3,000 livestock infected with LSD.

Regarding the difference in data, Anwar explained, the total population of cattle in South Lampung Regency is approximately 136,672 heads spread across 17 sub-districts. Based on data from the National Animal Health Information System (iSIKHNAS) in South Lampung Regency, 131 cases were recorded.

Of these cases, nearly 3,000 cows also attacked and after receiving prompt treatment, 2,400 cows recovered.

"The suspected cases of LSD are scattered in several sub-districts in South Lampung Regency. Out of the total population in South Lampung, around 2.1 percent of the cattle are suspected of LSD," he explained.

From March 2023 until now, around 160 cows have died in several sub-districts in South Lampung Regency. The death is thought to have been due to several causes, but not all of them, due to LSD illness.

So far the Provincial Government of Lampung in its efforts to prevent and control LSD has taken several steps in 15 City Districts, especially in South Lampung District, including treatment by providing supportive therapy and preventing secondary infections in livestock infected with LSD or showing symptoms of LSD. isolation of livestock that are sick or showing symptoms of LSD carry out conditional slaughter of livestock infected with LSD to prevent the spread of LSD disease.

"Tightening livestock traffic, increasing cage biosecurity, and controlling vectors (insects carrying viruses) that transmit LSD such as ticks, flies and mosquitoes. LSD Vaccination Encourage the implementation of LSD vaccination independently by breeders and livestock business actors," he continued.

So that the released data refers to reports submitted in the national animal health information system. Meanwhile, currently the LSD case that occurred in South Lampung is still being investigated by his side and in the last few days the South Lampung, Provincial and Veterinary Center teams have gone to the field for sampling, case tracing and treatment.

Regarding the number of fattening cattle that have been vaccinated, based on the data collected, there are currently 115,890 cattle spread across a number of areas in Lampung.

The distribution of vaccines is currently still ongoing so that currently there are as many as 84,880 vaccine doses that have been distributed to a number of areas in Lampung.

Previously, the South Lampung Livestock and Animal Health Service (Disnakkeswan) released around 3,000 thousand head of cattle in South Lampung exposed to LSD and 160 of them were reported dead.

The head of the South Lampung Manpower Office, Rini Ariasih, revealed that the data was a report from the start when LSD entered.

When asked about the number of cows in South Lampung that were attacked by LSD, Rini Ariasih answered that there were around 3,000 thousand head.

"Of the approximately 3,000 cattle that have been exposed to LSD, more than 2,000 have been reported to have recovered and are currently recovering or recovering. Meanwhile, the rest are currently undergoing treatment," he said.

Of the approximately 160 reported dead, 85 were forcibly slaughtered or sold cheaply, meaning that farmers were forced to slaughter their cows or sell them cheaply because they were worried that the LSD would get worse, and the meat could still be consumed or used. Then around 70 calves or calves that died, due to infection from their mothers and calves still lack immunity so they are very susceptible to LSD disease and the remaining 5 adult cows. (*)

KUPAS TV Video: It's Difficult for Farmers to Get Disease Vaccines Lumpy Skin Disease