• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Lampung Collects Twenty-two Medals at the 2023 Indonesia Open Gymnastics Championships

Senin, 10 Juli 2023 - 20.17 WIB

Lampung Collects Twenty-two Medals at the 2023 Indonesia Open Gymnastics Championships. Photo: illustration

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Lampung Province Indonesian Gymnastics Association (Persani) successfully won 22 medals at the 2023 Indonesia Open Championship which took place from 4 - 6 July 2023 in Jakarta.

This information was conveyed by Lampung Gymnastics Coach Yulianti, together with aerobics trainer Hasan Udin, Monday 10 July 2023.

Yulianti explained, in this championship Lampung brought two categories of gymnasts, namely young gymnasts and aerobics.

Yulianti brought little gymnasts to participate in the big event with the aim of measuring her athlete's abilities and measuring the results of her coaching and training so far.

"This is a good event organized by PB Persani in the context of mapping and of course part of the regeneration of Indonesian gymnastics," he said.

He said that from rhythmic athletes, Lampung brought 15 gold and three bronze medals.

From the baby category, six gold and one bronze were won, including in the baby level A category aged 7-8 years, Paulina Gwynet Aditya won one gold for All around, one gold for ball equipment and one bronze for freehand.

"As well as the level B category won by Joaquinn Jeven from number one gold all around, one gold freehand and one gold ball tool," he explained.

Yulianti continued, in the benyamin category she brought eight gold and two bronze. Among them, the Benjamin Prejunior 1 category at the age of 9-10 years from the Elite level was obtained on behalf of Halida Kaia Al-Khusna in the All Around race number one gold, ball equipment one gold and freehand one gold.

The level A guarantee category was won by Laila Faiha Caesar with the race number ll around one gold, ball equipment one gold, and freehand one gold.

Finally, the Level B benjamin category was won by Alqis Aisyah Jawaad with match number ll around one gold, ball equipment one gold and freehand one gold.

Then in the junior category he brought two gold and the pre-junior category brought one bronze. Among them, the elite junior class category for children aged 13-15 years was won by Felizya Adzkaa Zhafira Azzaryne in race number ll around one gold and one gold mace instrument. Then in the pre-junior class category for children aged 11-12 years, Adjeng Kartika won one bronze.

"After the Indonesia Open there will be a continuation to take part in the Jakarta Open for the Pre-junior and Junior classes," he concluded.

Aerobics coach Hasan Udin added, in aerobics he was also able to win one gold, two silver and one bronze medal.

"The list of winners included in the aerobics test for the age of 9-11 years in the individual woman category, Khodijah won one bronze. Then the Age Group age of 12-14 years in the Individual Man category was obtained in the name of Nanda one gold, "he explained.

Hasan said that in this competition event there was a lot of input to do more coaching for early childhood and beginners in Lampung Province. (*)

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