• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Street Crime is Increasingly Rising in Tanggamus Lampung

Minggu, 09 Juli 2023 - 21.39 WIB

Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The rise of crime and street crimes in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province in recent times has made people increasingly restless.

Police officers are expected to act decisively in an effort to maintain conduciveness.

Herwan, a community leader in Kotaagung District, said that with the current condition of Tanggamus, it is very important for the government and related parties to restore the conduciveness of Tanggamus Regency from criminal cases and street crimes.

Especially now that the community is facing difficult conditions in facing life, and the community's economy has not yet recovered after the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is exacerbated by the rampant acts of crime and street crimes committed by teenagers, many of whom are even students.

"Currently the people of Tanggamus are feeling restless and worried, especially the acts of mugging, robbery and theft, which occur almost every day," said Herwan when confirmed, Sunday 9 July 2023.

Fitri, who is 29 years old, also expressed anxiety. In recent times, criminal acts and street crimes have become more frightening, it is like every citizen stepping out of their house is always haunted by acts of crime, especially robbery and mugging.

"At home, at this time, crimes are always haunted, such as motorbike theft, both night and day. Including mosques and prayer rooms, they are not spared as locus of theft," said Fitri.

Fitri assessed that the government has not fully focused on dealing with criminal acts and street crimes in Tanggamus. Including related parties also rarely conduct patrols in vulnerable areas.

"What is certain is that currently almost all places that were previously safe are now vulnerable. The perpetrators who have been caught are still children and even school children," he said.

Rita, 32 years old, a housewife, said that it was as if the government could not handle street crimes such as mugging, mugging and theft.

This is evidenced by the news that acts of crime and street crimes involving teenagers and children seem to be constantly milling about on social media and in the mass media.

"Every day there must be uploads and news that there are victims of theft, mugging victims, victims of theft, cellphone theft and so on," he said.

Mala is 21 years old, one of the female students said that currently crimes in Tanggamus do not recognize place and time. Locations that should be guaranteed security are actually not safe from crime.

"As a resident of Tanggamus, of course this worries me. One day it is not impossible for me or my family to become victims," he said.

Mala hopes that the government and security forces will be present in the community to provide security. Either by means of routine 24-hour patrols, holding outreach at schools or educational institutions, as well as facilitating positive youth activities in Tanggamus.

"Then what is no less important is a strict and clear law enforcement process against the perpetrators of crimes," he concluded. (*)

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