Two Fishermen on the West Coast of Lampung Hit by Sinking Waves

Foto: Illustration., Lampung English - Beware, the big waves that have occurred in the past month in Pesisir Selatan District, Pesisir Barat Regency have caused 2 fishermen to drown while at sea. Where one victim has not been found.
The incident of fishermen being hit by the waves occurred today, Saturday 8 July 2023 around 06.00 AM. Where a fisherman named Hafis Usman, 18, from the Labuhan Pekon Way Jambu Stakeholder, Pesisir Selatan District, drowned after being hit by waves while fishing in Way Jambu waters.
South Pesisir Police Chief, Iptu A. M Larsatmo confirmed the incident of a fisherman allegedly drowning while at sea which occurred today around 06.00 AM.
"Currently a search is still being carried out with local fishermen using eight boats," said Larsatmo, accompanying the West Coast Police Chief AKBP Alsyahendra.
Meanwhile, Way Jambu coach, Evan Rosiawan said, based on information Hafis went to sea in Way Jambu waters this morning, when he arrived in the middle of the sea suddenly big waves came.
"The fisherman had jumped into the sea, but after the waves hit the boat, the fisherman was nowhere to be seen," said Evan, when confirmed.
Furthermore, the boat used by the fishermen had pulled over and was successfully pulled ashore by local residents.
"Currently a search is still being carried out with the local community, hopefully they can be found soon," he explained.
Previously on Sunday 4 June 2023 morning, a fisherman from Pekon Biha, Pesisir Selatan District, named Apriansah, was also declared missing after being hit by big waves while fishing in the Pekon waters.
Apriansah's body was found dead on Monday 5 June 2023, around 09.30 PM, by a team from the Regional Disaster Management Agency, Basarnas and assisted by the community, then brought to his house in Biha Tuha Pekon Biha for burial.
As for the chronology, the victim Apriansah and a 38-year-old fisherman Edwar went to sea in Pekon Biha waters on Sunday 4 June 2023 around 06.00 AM.
However, their boat was hit by high waves after sailing about 200 meters from the shore. As a result, the two fishermen fell from the boat.
Strong waves cause the wood or bamboo used to balance the boat to break, causing the boat to sink.
Edwar managed to save himself by grabbing a boat, while Apriansah's victim drowned and was found lifeless.
South Pesisir Police Chief, Iptu A. M Larsatmo confirmed that there was a fisherman in Way Jambu Pekon who drowned while at sea.
Previously, the Head of the Pesibar District Fisheries Service, Armen Qodar reminded fishermen to be wary of high waves, considering that based on information from the BMKG Class IV Panjang Maritime Station, Lampung Province, one of the wave heights in the West Coast waters is reaching 2.5 to 4.0 meters. .
The high wave warning based on information from the BMKG is valid from Saturday 1 July 2023 at 07.00 AM until Sunday 2 July 2023 at 07.00 PM.
"If there are high waves and bad weather conditions, we hope that fishermen will not go out to sea. This is of course to protect the safety of the fishermen themselves," said Armen.
As an effort to prevent marine accidents, it is hoped that they can delay to the middle of the sea when high waves occur.
"With high wave conditions, it will certainly be very risky for the safety of fishermen, considering that the average fishermen in Pesibar Regency also still use traditional boats," he concluded. (*)
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