• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Failed to Climb, L300 Pickup Car Brings Jengkol Overturned and Fell at Bakauheni Harbor

Kamis, 06 Juli 2023 - 21.45 WIB

The black Mitsubishi L300 pickup vehicle overturned and fell at Bakauheni Harbor. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, South Lampung - The black Mitsubishi L300 pickup vehicle with police number (Nopol) BE-8368-ZA loaded with jengkol upside down, when it was about to enter the ship at Bakauheni Port Executive Pier, South Lampung (Lamsel), Thursday (6/7).

Head of Bakauheni Port Special Police Sector (KSKP), AKP Ridho Rafika said the accident occurred around 07.15 WIB.

"Initially, the Mitsubishi L300 vehicle number BE-8368-ZA was going to cross to Java Island via Bakauheni Port. However, the jengkol-laden car experienced an engine failure while climbing the side ramp towards the KM Portlink III ship at Bakauheni Port Executive Pier," Ridho said, Thursday (6/7) afternoon.

As a result, the vehicle drove backwards then plunged and hit the side ramp barrier. Then it fell from the top of the side ramp of Bakauheni Port Executive Pier.

"When the Mitsubishi L300 car fell upside down, it turned out that a dark red Honda Civic was waiting in line below and was hit by the vehicle," he said.

The dark red Honda Civic vehicle suffered damage to the hood. Luckily, the accident did not cause any fatalities to either the driver of the Mitsubishi L300 or the dark red Honda Civic.

"For material losses, 1 black Mitsubishi L300 vehicle was damaged quite badly, 1 dark red Honda Civic vehicle was damaged on the engine hood and the side ramp guardrail at Bakauheni Port Executive Pier was damaged," he explained.

It is known that the driver of the Mitsubishi L300 vehicle is Piston Nara (30), a resident of Purwodadi, Gisting District, Tanggamus Regency.

Meanwhile, the Honda Civic car was driven by Sigit Purwan (48), a resident of Sidoharjo Village, Tugumulyo District, Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra.

"We have coordinated this incident with the South Lampung Police Traffic Unit, ASDP and Jasa Raharja. The Mitsubishi L300 vehicle has been evacuated," he concluded. (*)