• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Again! Cattle from Rejosari Natar Lampung Indonesia Die from LSD Attack

Kamis, 06 Juli 2023 - 22.41 WIB

A dead calf is seen with LSD. Photo: Special

Kupastuntas.co, South Lampung - A calf belonging to a resident of Banjar Selatan Hamlet, Rejosari Village, Natar District, South Lampung (Lamsel) Indonesia is reported to have died of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD).

From the information collected by Kupastuntas.co, the calf had only been attacked by LSD for a week and then died.

"A calf aged 1 month and only 1 week has been attacked by LSD. It belongs to Mr. Miswan, a resident of Banjar Selatan Hamlet, Rejosari Village," said the source who asked not to be named, Thursday (6/7/2023) evening.

According to the information, Miswan has 5 cows where a calf or calf died today.

"It has been infected with LSD, the owner of the cow is treating it using paste," he continued.

Apart from Miswan, another resident who owned the cow was also reportedly stricken with LSD. Among them, Pariono 2 cows then Sutar 1 cow and Sugi 9 cows.

"Hopefully it can be treated for LSD soon," said the source.

Benget Sitompul added that 2 cows, namely the mother cow and the calf, also died of LSD.

"The owner named Pak Samirin, a resident of Tejomartani Hamlet, Branti Raya Village, incident 2 weeks ago, a mother cow and calves," said Benget Sitompul.

The Head of the South Lamsel Livestock and Animal Health Office, Rini Ariasih, said that tomorrow she would follow up by treating the cows belonging to residents who had LSD.

"We are moving, officers will visit tomorrow," Rini Ariasih answered.

Rini Ariasih said that today she and her staff had gone down to the Jati Agung and Natar sub-districts to treat the cows.

"We shared tasks, I went to Jati Agung, Mrs. Ang went to Rejosari. But other friends are also moving to carry out treatment, officers at the UPT Keswan and the Keswan Sector. We will treat according to what we receive (amount of medicines)," concluded the Head of the Lamsel Animal Husbandry and Health Office. (*)