• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Farmers in West Lampung are Happy that Chili Prices are Rising

Rabu, 05 Juli 2023 - 14.33 WIB

Aris, a chili farmer from Balik Bukit District while picking chilies on his land. Photo: Echa/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - A number of chili farmers in West Lampung Regency are filled with joy, because the price of chilies has soared, from IDR 16,000 to IDR 27,000 at the farm level.

Aris, a chili farmer from Balik Bukit District, said he was happy with the increase in chili prices. The increase has started since mid-June 2023 until now.

"You must be happy because the current price really helps us too, calculating the return on the previous investment, because before that the price had dropped, so if the price is now going up thank God," said Aris, when contacted by kupastuntas.co, Wednesday 5 July 2023 Afternoon.

"Previously the price of chili at the farmer's level was only IDR 16,000, now, thank God, the price has increased to IDR 27,000 for red chilies and curly chilies. If the price on the market now is probably IDR 35,000 per kilo," he continued.

In one harvest, Aris can get as much as 2 tons more. He planted chilies on an area of 7,200 square meters or a plant area of 18 chains, so that the price increase that is currently happening is deemed sufficient to meet the operational needs of the planting to harvest period.

However, he continued, there are several obstacles faced by a number of farmers at this time, including the difficulty in obtaining subsidized fertilizer and drug allocations. Meanwhile, non-subsidized prices are quite expensive, making it very burdensome for farmers.

"The price of these medicines continues to increase. Of course, losses can befall us when the price of vegetables drops. Fortunately, the marketing of red curly chilies is wide open, even the market demand is quite high for this type of chili, so it is still being covered," he explained.

Meanwhile, price increases for a number of basic needs also occurred not only at the farm level, but also in the market. Then there are several basic needs that have also experienced an increase in the market, including onions and types of meat as well as other important commodities.

The Head of the Cooperative, Industry and Trade Office of West Lampung Regency, Tri Umaryani through the Head of the Trade Sector, Heriyanto said, the price increase was still within normal limits and not too significant.

"A number of basic necessities that have experienced an increase include beef from IDR 135 thousand to IDR 137,500, free-range chicken from IDR 68,333 to IDR 70,000, eggs from IDR 32,000 to IDR 33,000, shallots from IDR 33,333 to IDR 37. 500," said Tri, when contacted by kupastuntas.co.

Then onions IDR 30,000 to IDR 37,500, simple cooking oil IDR 16,333 to IDR 17,000, wheat flour IDR 12,667 to IDR 15,000, soybeans IDR 13,000 to IDR 15,000, garlic to IDR 29,333 to IDR 35,000 .

"Fish Tuna IDR 30,000 to IDR 35,000, Mackerel IDR 31,667 to IDR 37,500, Anchovy IDR 51,667 to IDR 52,500, fine salt IDR 12,667 to IDR 13,000, Powdered Milk IDR 40,300 to IDR 42,500 , sweetened condensed milk IDR 12,667 to IDR 13,000," he concluded. (*)

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