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Alert!! The motorbikes of Metro Lampung Residents were Almost Stolen

Senin, 03 Juli 2023 - 14.53 WIB

Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The actions of thieves in Metro City have again disturbed the community. Most recently, a gang of thieves attempted to steal a motorcycle belonging to a resident of Margorejo Village, Metro Selatan District, but was thwarted.

The attempted theft of a motorbike by a gang of thieves took place at a house owned by Sri Maulinawati, Jalan Adipati 2 RT 023 RW 006, Margorejo Village, Metro Selatan District.

Sri Maulinawati said that her Honda Beat vehicle was stolen by thieves on Sunday 2 July 2023 around 08.30 AM. At that time, the motorbike that had been stolen by thieves but failed was parked on the terrace of his house.

"It happened early in the morning, this motorbike was parked on the terrace of this house. Then I saw two people in front, the other pushing my motorbike out of the gate," said Sri, Monday, July 3, 2023 afternoon.

When the incident took place, the owner of the motorbike was watching television in his house. When an unknown person brought his Honda Beat motorbike, Sri immediately shouted, inviting other people to come.

"The perpetrators were two people, one pushed the motorbike several meters from the gate. When the incident happened I was watching TV, then I saw the motorbike was being led by the perpetrator," he said.

"I tried to chase while screaming, the perpetrators managed to escape. Residents had time to drive away the perpetrators, but they were able to escape," he continued.

Responding to the incident, Metro Police Chief AKBP Heri Sulistyo Nugroho promised to re-check the information.

"Thank you, we will try to check again for these residents' reports. So the Metro Police remains committed, we will improve our service to the community, protect the community, especially related to the Kamtibmas situation," said Heri.

He also hopes that the community can work together in maintaining environmental security. His party will carry out intense patrols to the neighborhood of residents' homes.

"We also hope that we can work together with the community, what we have done and what we are currently doing, starting from patrols to preventive and other preventive activities. We hope that the community will also participate and work together to protect themselves," he said.

"So we have to be even more sensitive to securing his property, especially motorized vehicles. If left, don't just leave it or let alone the key is still attached to the vehicle," he continued.

The police chief asked people to add safety locks to their vehicles. In addition, vehicle owners are also asked not to park their vehicles carelessly.

"Do a handlebar lock and double lock, because all this time what has happened and the victims are on average left with their vehicle keys attached to the vehicle. So remember that stimulant crimes occur because there is intention and opportunity, from the intentions of the perpetrators, we have to close this opportunity," he explained.

"We close it by carrying out preventive and preventive activities, then the community also helps to secure their property and reactivate security in their respective environments," said Heri. (*)

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