The Construction of a Sport Center in South Lampung Has Been Constrained by Asset Acquisition

Photo: Illustration, Bandar Lampung - The construction of a sports activity center in Way Huwi Village, Jati Agung District, Way Galih Village and Sabah Balau Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency is still constrained by asset acquisition.
The Head of the Lampung Province Youth and Sports Service, Descatama Paksi Moeda said, his party had held a meeting with relevant stakeholders led directly by the Regional Secretary, Farizal Darminto by inviting the National Land Agency.
"Thank God we had a meeting earlier and today we will follow up with options that will be reported to the Governor," said Descatama, when questioned. Monday, 26 June 2023.
Regarding the development plan, it will start after the land transfer process has been completed, because the Provincial Government does not want to take risks if unwanted things happen, when the land transfer process has not been completed during the construction process.
"What is certain is that the construction can be carried out if the land affairs are clear and clean. We don't want to have problems with the law or law enforcement officials, but we can be sure that the governor's memory to build the Lampung sports center is supported by the central government," he added.
"What is certain is that regarding the disposal of assets, we cannot make a hasty decision when it comes to the budget, with whomever is involved in the disposal process, this has been stipulated in the Decision Letter made by the Bureau regarding what are the obligations of Regional Apparatus Organizations in the disposal process. assets," he continued.
Meanwhile, all stages of the development process that have been carried out have received approval from President Joko Widodo to begin in 2023. But the main thing is how the Provincial Government completes the land transfer process that will be used for the construction of a sports center.
"As for the construction, the Human Settlements Service will back up the construction if the Youth and Sports Service has sports. We as And Users, maybe later the management will be handed over to the Youth and Sports Service," he said.
Previously, as reported by the website, the Provincial Government of Lampung had determined a location that would later be used to build a sports center or sports center as well as a cultural activity center.
Regional Secretary of Lampung Province, Fahrizal Darminto explained, the Sport Center is located around Way Hui Village, Jati Agung District, Way Galih Village and Sabah Balau Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency.
"The area of land required alone is approximately 170 hectares. Everything is in the administrative area of South Lampung Regency. Everything is currently being processed and we hope it can be resolved as soon as possible," said Fahrizal, last Thursday (12/22/2011). (*)
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