• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Thousands of Prospective Legislative Candidates in Lampung Have Not Fulfilled the Requirements

Minggu, 25 Juni 2023 - 16.52 WIB

Photo: Illustration

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Lampung Province, submitted the results of administrative verification of 1,281 prospective legislative candidates from 18 political parties.

In addition, the General Election Commission also submitted the results of administrative verification of 17 prospective candidates for the Lampung Regional Leadership Council at the Horison Hotel Bandar Lampung, Sunday 25 June 2023.

Chairman of the General Election Commission for Lampung Province, Erwan Bustami explained, his party had conducted verification from 15 May 2023 to 23 June 2023.

From the results of the verification, only 78 prospective legislative candidates or 6 percent were declared to have met the requirements, while the remaining 1,203 or 94 percent were declared not to have met the requirements.

Then for the 17 prospective candidates for the Regional Leadership Council as a whole it was stated that they did not meet the requirements.

Erwan said that the General Election Commission found that it was declared not fulfilling various requirements, such as a health certificate, not entering a family identification number, and having an original diploma, even though what was asked was a legalized copy of the certificate.

In the administrative verification process, the General Elections Commission also found prospective legislative candidates with multiple electoral districts and multiple political parties.

"There are multiple candidates, multiple between parties, such as he is registered as Bacaleg at the Provincial Regional People's Legislative Assembly and also registered at the Regency Regional People's Representative Council, and we have conveyed that later political parties will be given the opportunity to choose which one," Erwan said during an interview.

"Furthermore, political parties and candidates for the Regional Leadership Council have the opportunity to improve their requirements from June 26 to July 9. We hope that the information obtained by political parties and the Regional Leadership Council can be followed up, where apart from submitting it in hardcopy, it can also be accessed in SILON," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the Technical Division of the General Election Commission of Lampung Province, Ismanto said, the scheduled improvement opportunities were the most important part. Because, after that there are only 2 categories, namely fulfilling the requirements and not fulfilling the requirements. So that there are no more categories that do not meet the requirements.

"So please pay attention, such as work that must be backwards, the file is attached. And please be honest, so it's not only the General Elections Commission and Bawaslu who are asked to be honest. If he is a State Civil Apparatus, TNI, Police, he must resign, please be honest during the repair period," Ismanto said.

Chairman of the Election Supervisory Board for Lampung Province, Iskardo P Panggar emphasized that intentional falsification of documents is not allowed in the nomination process.

"What is our concern to political parties and the Regional Leadership Council, the candidacy files submitted in article 520 of the Election Law number 7 of 2017 states, that anyone who intentionally uses fake documents to become a candidate will be punished for a maximum of 6 years and a fine of IDR 72 million. ," Iskardo said.

Iskardo said, there would be reports of reports such as improper work, or the status of a State Civil Apparatus but to avoid a reprimand from the State Civil Apparatus Commission, they submitted other documents, of course this was categorized as suspected document falsification.

"Our next concern is that the results of our verification are conducting a study on political parties, especially regencies/cities, which post May 14, 2023, there are additional legislative candidates, so they are outside the schedule of stages set by the General Election Commission," he said.

His party will carry out a comprehensive review of this matter, and it is possible that later there will be a follow-up and end in an administrative violation trial.

"So we are not looking for things, but for the sake of carrying out our duties," concluded Iskardo. (*)

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