Watoni: There is No DPRD Approval for the Elimination of Elephant Park

Member of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) of Lampung Province, Watoni Nurdin. Photo: Kupastuntas.co
Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The policy of the Lampung Provincial
Government (Pemprov) to dismantle the Elephant Park Green Open Space (RTH) has
not yet received approval from the Lampung DPRD. In addition, there has been no
exchange or compensation for the removal of regional assets.
Member of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) of
Lampung Province, Watoni Nurdin said, to his knowledge, until now there has
been no DPRD approval for the disposal of the assets of the Elephant Park area
located in Enggal, Bandar Lampung. In fact, according to existing rules and
procedures, the deletion of regional assets must go through the approval of the
This is in accordance with Lampung Governor Regulation Number 18
of 2015 concerning Procedures for Transferring, Destroying and Deleting
Regional Property in Lampung Province. In Article 8 Paragraph 2 of the
Governor's Regulation it is written that the transfer of regional property is
carried out after obtaining the approval of the DPRD.
Watoni revealed, after being approved by the DPRD, there must be
an exchange (replacement) or compensation for the removal of the regional
"As far as I know, until now there has been no permission
from the Lampung DPRD to write off the assets of the Elephant Part area. I am
also not aware of any swaps or compensation by writing off the assets,"
said Watoni, Wednesday (21/6/23).
He said, if the removal of regional assets without the approval
of DPRD, it is feared that it will become a problem in the future.
"Because there are regional assets that were deleted without going through
the applicable mechanism or rules," he said.
According to Wartoni, so far his party has asked the executive
several times regarding the lack of DPRD approval for the deletion of the
Elephant Park regional assets. However, until now there has been no response
from the executive.
"If there is still no response or answer from the
executive, then we will continue to ask about it until the end of the regional
head's term of office," he said.
Watoni reminded that the elimination of regional assets must go
through predetermined rules or procedures. Moreover, the existence of Elephant
Park is a green open space for the community.
"I also question the demolition of the Saburai sports hall
(GOR) which has not yet been approved by the DPRD. Because so far there has
been a budget disbursed for the renovation of the Saburai Sports Hall. There
must be accountability regarding the renovation budget that has been disbursed
at the Saburai Sports Hall," he said.
Watoni continued, his party had no problem with the plan to
build the Great Mosque of Al Bakrie Lampung at that location. However, his
party suggested that the existing mechanisms or procedures be implemented.
Chairman of the Democratic Faction of the Lampung Provincial
DPRD, Hanifal said, the Democratic Faction recommended that the construction of
the Great Al Bakri Mosque in Lampung be carried out on land belonging to the
Lampung Provincial Government which is more representative such as in Kota
Baru. Instead of having to take the Saburai GOR land.
"I received aspirations from many people regarding the
construction of this mosque. Given that all this time the Saburai Sports Hall
has a very meaningful historical value for the people of Bandar Lampung,"
he said.
Asked whether the dismantling of GOR Saburai and Elephant Park
had received approval from the Lampung Provincial DPRD, Hanifal suggested
asking the DPRD leadership directly.
"If you haven't received approval from the DPRD, you should
ask questions. As far as I know they have received approval from the Ministry
of Youth and Sports," he said.
Hanifal revealed that the construction of the Great Al Bakri
Mosque in Lampung would only use the Saburai GOR land. Meanwhile, the Elephant
Park area will still be made a green open space. So according to him, there is
no need to move the location of Elephant Park.
“Not all of them are built for mosques, there will still be
green open spaces like Elephant Park. The mosque was built in the former Saburai
Sports Hall. I've seen the building plans. In fact, there is a possibility that
Elephant Park will change for the better. The Saburai GOR will be moved to Way
Halim," he said.
The chairman of the Lampung Province DPRD, Mingrum Gumay, when
confirmed, was reluctant to give a further statement, and directed journalists
to confirm the confirmation to the Regional Secretary of Lampung Province.
"It's a matter of assets, so you can ask the Regional Secretary,"
said Mingrum after a plenary meeting at the local DPRD building, Wednesday
Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Lampung Province,
Fahrizal Darminto, when confirmed, admitted that he had carried out all stages
in the process of writing off assets belonging to the Lampung Provincial Government
(Elephant Park).
"All stages of the process have been carried out regarding
the plan to build the Great Mosque of Al Bakrie Lampung which is in the former
RTH Elephant Park Enggal. We have done everything according to the stages in
the Elephant Park. Because indeed it will be made into a mosque," said
Fahrizal after a plenary meeting at the Lampung DPRD building, Wednesday
Head of Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD)
Province Lampung resident, Marindo Kurniawan, who accompanied Fahrizal,
confirmed that the entire process of writing off assets had been completed.
"All processes have been completed, there has been approval
(DPRD) so there is already a process there," said Marindo.
Asked about swaps or compensation for the write-off of the
assets, Marindo was not willing to provide more details. He revealed that all
stages of the process were carried out according to the provisions so that the
process could already be carried out in the field.
"At the mosque's construction site, green open space will
also be built later. So it doesn't change the existing RTH location. There are
slots for green open space, there are not many disturbances there," he
stated. (*)
This news has been published in the Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper
edition of Thursday 22 June 2023 with the title "Watoni: There is no DPRD
approval for the removal of the Elephant Park"
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