• Kamis, 13 Maret 2025

Stock of Sacrificial Animals in Bandar Lampung Reaches 4,500 Heads

Selasa, 20 Juni 2023 - 21.13 WIB

Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - Ahead of Eid al-Adha 1444 Hijriah, the Bandar Lampung City Agriculture Service noted that the total stock of sacrificial animals in the area is 4,500.

Head of the Bandar Lampung City Agriculture Service, Agustini said, the 4,500 animals consisted of cows and goats for sacrifice.

"Cows are around 1,500 and we have around 3,000 goats in stock. So we have around 4,500," said Agustini, when questioned, Tuesday 20 June 2023.

According to him, this year the stock has increased, but not so much.

As for the suppliers of the sacrificial animals themselves, he explained, they were from several areas in Lampung.

"Such as from South Lampung, Central Lampung and also from Tanggamus. Those are our buffer zones," he said.

Zaini Hamdan, one of the sellers of sacrificial animals in Sultan Agung, Way Halim, said that this year's sales of sacrificial animals had increased by 30 percent.

"The sacrificial animals that we have sent down are around 101 heads. Among them are 82 goats and 9 cows. Of that number, some or 30 percent have been sold," he said.

He admitted, started selling already one month. Then if his side's stock this year there are around 250 tails.

"We get these stocks from South Lampung and Tanggamus. We take these stocks from there every year," he said. (*)