Lampung Police Thwart Sending 24 Illegal Migrant Workers Overseas

24 illegal migrant workers from Nusa Tenggara Barat who have been rescued by Lampung Police. Photo:, Bandar Lampung - The Lampung Police have
arrested 4 suspects in the case of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO)
against 24 Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) residents, prospective illegal Indonesian
migrant workers (PMI), Wednesday (7/6/2023).
The four suspects are DW (28) a resident of Bengkulu, I (25) a
resident of Depok, AR (50) a resident of East Jakarta and AL (31) a resident of
Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Helmy Santika said the
four suspects were acting as individuals and did not have an official migrant worker
placement company.
"Based on the investigation, the victims were asked for a
salary of around 5 to 7 million rupiah. In addition, the modus operandi of the
victims was also facilitated by the suspects, starting from recruiting, making
passports if they did not have them, to travel expenses," said Helmy
Santika during a press conference at the Lampung Police Headquarters.
As for the roles of the suspects, namely DW was the mastermind
behind (recruitment) as well as funding the PMI candidates, I played the role
of picking up and accompanying the PMI candidates to move from place to place,
AR and AL had the role of preparing the needs of the PMI candidates as well as
recruiters for PMI candidates.
Regarding whether there were other victims and the involvement
of elements in the TIP case, Helmy said that his party was still investigating
the illegal PMI syndicate network.
"So these victims were promised to be employed as
housewives in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia," he said.
The evidence that was successfully secured included 20
passports, a number of airplane tickets and cellphones.
"Currently we are still doing trauma healing for the
victims and later we will return them to their respective homes," he
Helmy added that since 2020-2023, the Lampung Regional Police
have rescued around 84 victims of illegal PMI (TPPO).
"With a total of 29 suspects who have been detained,"
he explained.
Now the four suspects are being charged with Article 2 paragraph
(1) in conjunction with Article 10 of RI Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning TIP
and/or Article 68 in conjunction with Article 83 or Article 69 in conjunction
with Article 81 of RI Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian
Migrant Workers. "With a maximum threat of 15 years in prison," he
Previously, the Lampung Regional Police managed to save 24
victims of illegal Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) from the Crime of
Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) in the Rajabasa Area, Bandar Lampung on Monday
The victims came from several areas in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)
who were sent to the Middle East and were in transit or temporarily
accommodated in the Province of Lampung. (*)
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