• Kamis, 06 Februari 2025

Traders on Sidewalk Road Bandar Lampung Pay IDR 250,000 Security Money per Month, Ahmad Nurizki: Controlling is Every Day

Senin, 05 Juni 2023 - 08.38 WIB

Traders can be seen on the sidewalk of Sultan Agung road, Wayhalim. Sunday, 4 June 2023. Photo: Yudi/Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Traders on the sidewalks of the Bandar Lampung road must pay security and electricity fees of IDR 250,000 per month to unscrupulous local area holders. So, traders are still able to keep selling.

The rise of traders selling on the sidewalks of Bandar Lampung roads was used by certain elements to withdraw some money. The mode used for this money is security services and electricity money.

A trader on the sidewalk of Jalan ZA Pagar Alam, Bandar Lampung, said that he had been selling food in the local area for decades.

The trader, who asked to remain anonymous, revealed that sidewalks are very strategic for selling because of the dense community activities and the high number of passing vehicles.

"It's crowded here, the place is strategic. Talking about order, it's safe. Sometimes Pol PP only comes when there are visits from top people," he said, Sunday 4 June 2023.

This trader said, usually when there is a raid someone always informs them so they can be prepared. "Yes, if there is Pol PP when asked, just say he was born here. So it's safe, at least I just reminded him," he said.

He said he had to pay IDR 250,000 per month to pay for land rent or for security and lamp fees to be paid to a resident who is usually referred to as the area holder.

"All traders who sell on the sidewalks of Jalan ZA Pagar Alam must pay IDR 250,000 every month. Here there are those who own their territory, so every month they have to pay security and electricity money to area holders," he explained.

A fried food seller on the sidewalk of Jalan ZA Pagar Alam also said that he has to pay IDR 250,000 per month for security and electricity.

"Yes, you have to pay IDR 250,000 every month to the holders of this area. I actually object, but this is my only means of livelihood. Selling here is also good luck, so it's okay to pay that much," he said.

Darto, a catfish pecel trader on the ZA Pagar Alam road section, said that he was forced to trade at that location because there were no other locations that could be used as land to sell. He hopes the government can provide solutions for traders to facilitate places to sell.

"We are forced to trade here because there are no other stalls, even though it is prohibited by the government there should be a solution so we can keep selling and be able to meet our daily needs," he said.

It is undeniable, the presence of traders on the sidewalk has taken away the rights of pedestrians. The presence of these traders also disrupt public order.

Monitoring in the field, a number of protocol road points in Bandar Lampung are now locations for traders to sell, including Jalan Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam, Jalan Antasari, Jalan Sultan Agung, Jalan Pramuka and a number of other roads.

Traders change the function of sidewalks as places to sell, thus disturbing pedestrians who will pass by and causing traffic jams because many vehicles stop on the road.

Eka, a Kedaton resident, admitted that he was very disturbed by the carts of vendors standing on the sidewalks. Because, hindering pedestrians who will pass. In fact, not a few residents have to go down the road to pass the sidewalk.

"Pedestrians are not free to walk on the sidewalks because they are blocked by merchant carts. The presence of traders on the sidewalks also makes the environment around them unsightly," said Eka.

Eka (32) hopes that the Bandar Lampung City Government can clean up traders who hang out on the sidewalks so that pedestrians can pass comfortably.

"I hope that the municipal government can sterilize the sidewalks, which are now full of traders. So that we as road users can use the facilities comfortably. The safety of road users must be a concern, because so far many pedestrians have taken to the road due to the presence of these traders," he said. .

Dina, a resident of Langkapura also hopes that the Bandar Lampung City Government will discipline traders who sell on the sidewalks.

"Because the function of the sidewalk is to facilitate road users and not to sell people," he added.

When contacted, the Head of the Civil Service Police Unit (Kasatpol PP) of Bandar Lampung, Ahmad Nurizki, said that so far his party has routinely visited the field to control the stalls of traders selling on the sidewalks.

"Every day we do policing. Because apart from that the rights of pedestrians also damage the beauty of the city," said Nurizki.

Asked how many sidewalks the vendors are currently using, Nurizki said that he couldn't make a presentation yet. However, he continued, only at certain points.

"Only certain points are there. Like around Bambu Kuning, Brigadier General Katamso road and Sultan Agung road," he said.

For your information, according to Bandar Lampung Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2018 concerning Public Peace and Public Order in Article 30 it states that every person or entity is prohibited from trading on roads or sidewalks, bus stops, courtyards and parking lots of shops and or shop houses, pedestrian bridges persons and places for other public purposes. (*)

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