It Is Suspected that Adi Erlansyah's Reappointment as Acting Regent of Pringsewu Has Been Premeditated

Adi Erlansyah the acting (Pj) Regent of Pringsewu for the second period. Photo:, Pringsewu - Several members of the regional people's representative council (DPRD) of Pringsewu Regency assessed that from the start Adi Erlansyah had been conditioned to serve as the acting (Pj) Regent of Pringsewu for the second period. Thus, the proposal through the DPRD was carried out in a hurry.
Chairman of the Joint
Faction (Nasdem and PPP) DPRD Pringsewu, Rohmansyah said the process of
proposing Adi Erlansyah to become Acting Regent of Pringsewu seemed rushed,
especially when inviting faction leaders.
As a result, not all
faction leaders were able to attend when discussing the proposed name for the
Acting Regent of Pringsewu. "I think this is intentional not to give room
for the faction leaders to submit their proposals," said Rohmansyah,
Tuesday (30/5/2023).
Romansyah also accused
Pringsewu DPRD leaders of conditioning to nominate the sole candidate Adi
Erlansyah as Acting Regent of Pringsewu.
In fact, he continued,
after the meeting the participants were invited to the Regent's office to meet
Adi Erlansyah in person to express their support verbally.
Member of the Pringsewu
DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Sudiyono regretted the attitude of the Governor
of Lampung Arinal Djunaidi who was not careful in proposing the name of the
Acting Regent of Pringsewu. In fact, Adi Erlansyah will retire March 1, 2024,
while the term of office of the Acting Regent of Pringsewu is until May 22,
Sudiyono also said there
was carelessness on the part of the Ministry of Home Affairs when reviewing the
proposed name of the Acting Regent that was submitted. "The Ministry of
Home Affairs should pay close attention to the incoming files, and not just go
straight to the Acc so that it doesn't cause a commotion like this," he
According to Sudiyono,
until now the principle of 'as long as you are happy' is still used, even
though on the one hand the community is smart. "The people want the
government to be transparent," he said.
The Regional Secretary (Sekda)
of Pringsewu, Heri Iswahyudi said the procedure for proposing an Acting Regent
was the domain of the Pringsewu Regency DPRD, the Governor of Lampung and the
Ministry of Home Affairs.
And the DPR RI has a
control function and has the authority to summon the Minister of Home Affairs
in a working meeting forum to discuss conditions that are currently of concern
to the public.
The Regional Secretary
asked all officials and ASN not to get involved in this polemic. "Because
this is not our domain, just focus on carrying out our respective main tasks
and functions. Just focus on efforts to serve the community as well as possible
so that people really feel the benefits of our presence in their midst,"
he said.
Previously it was
reported that the Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi seemed to be imposing
Adi Erlansyah as Acting (Pj) Regent of Pringsewu for a second term. Because Adi
Erlansyah will retire on March 1, 2024, while the position of Acting Regent of
Pringsewu will last until May 22, 2024.
The head of the Regional
Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Lampung Province, Adi Erlansyah, will retire on
March 1, 2024. Meanwhile, Adi Erlansyah has been appointed again as Acting
Regent of Pringsewu Regency until May 22, 2024.
As a result, Adi
Erlansyah will not be able to complete his position as Acting Regent of
Pringsewu because he has to retire on March 1, 2024. The Lampung Provincial Government
through Assistant I for Government and Welfare Affairs, Qodratul Ikhwan, when
contacted, confirmed that Adi Erlansyah will retire on March 1, 2024.
Qodratul said that later
the regional administration would propose a replacement for the Acting Regent
of Pringsewu before Adi Erlansyah entered retirement.
"Yes, later before
entering retirement, the names of potential replacements have been proposed so
that when the person concerned retires the replacement will be ready,"
said Qodratul, Monday (29/5).
Qodratul explained, the
process of submitting a replacement name for Acting Regent Pringsewu will be
the same as filling in the initial stage. Where the district, provincial and
central governments each proposed three names.
"The process itself
is the same as the initial filling. It is proposed that 3 people come from the
district government, 3 people from the province or governor and 3 people from
the central government," he explained. (*)
This news was published
in the Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper edition of Wednesday 31 May 2023 with the
title "Polemic about the Retirement of Acting Regent Pringsewu Remaining
10 Months, Rohmansyah: From the Beginning Adi Erlansyah Has Been
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