• Rabu, 12 Maret 2025

After Decades of Damage, Residents of Batu Brak West Lampung Independently Repair Tourist Roads

Rabu, 31 Mei 2023 - 15.59 WIB

Dozens of people from Negeri Ratu Village, Batu Brak District, West Lampung (Lambar) Regency independently made repairs to the road to the Bukit Bawang Bakung tourist destination. Photo: Special

Kupastuntas.co, West Lampung - Decades untouched by development, dozens of people from Negeri Ratu Village, Batu Brak District, West Lampung (Lambar) Regency independently made repairs to the road to the Bukit Bawang Bakung tourist destination which is one of the leading tourist destinations in that region.

The Head of the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) for the Bukit Bawang Bakung tourist destination, Rahmad Saefudin said, the community's initiative to repair the road sections independently departed from the concerns of the residents seeing that the condition of the road sections was getting worse, but the repairs had not been touched.

"Because we think that this should start from ourselves so that this road section can still be passed, moreover this road is the main access to the Puncak Bawang Bakung tourist destination which is one of the leading tours," said Rahmad, when giving a statement, Wednesday (31 /05/2023).

According to him, this activity is a form of togetherness that needs to be maintained, bearing in mind that if the roads are not regularly repaired, it will get worse and narrow the space for tourists to move when they are going to visit the West Lampung District's Leading Tourism Destinations.

"We only involve Pokdarwis and village officials and the community to make improvements, and thank God they are happy to help and take the time to participate," he added.

The activity, he continued, is not only being carried out today, but has been carried out frequently since the last few years, because infrastructure is a support for tourist visits in the tourism sector.

"So we work together to protect access to this main road so that it is not badly damaged. Especially now that the road has returned to dirt and the castings have been damaged, so it greatly affects the number of tourist visits," he added.

The repairs carried out, he said, included repairing drains and filling up potholes. Because at some points there are deep enough holes that often hinder tourist activities when visiting the top of Bawang Bakung.

His party also hopes that the existence of mutual cooperation which is carried out routinely can arouse the attention of the local government so that they can pay attention to the condition of the access road to Bukit Bawang Bakung.

"Hopefully in the future the government can build or repair roads leading to Bawang Bakung tourism, because apart from tourist roads, this road is also the main access for the community to take out crops and pick up school children," he concluded. (*)