Reappointment of Ady Erlansyah as Acting Regent of Pringsewu Lampung Allegedly Not Transparent and Careless

Adi Erlansyah as Acting (Pj) Regent of Pringsewu Lampung Province. Photo:,
Bandar Lampung - The Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi seems to be forcing
Adi Erlansyah as Acting (Pj) Regent of Pringsewu for the second term. Because
Adi Erlansyah will retire on March 1, 2024, while the position of Acting Regent
of Pringsewu will last until May 22, 2024.
The head
of the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Lampung Province, Adi Erlansyah,
will retire on March 1, 2024. Meanwhile, Adi Erlansyah has been appointed again
as Acting Regent of Pringsewu Regency until May 22, 2024.
As a
result, Adi Erlansyah will not be able to complete his position as Acting
Regent of Pringsewu because he has to retire on March 1, 2024. The Lampung
Provincial Government through Assistant I for Government and Welfare Affairs,
Qodratul Ikhwan, when contacted, confirmed that Adi Erlansyah will retire on
March 1, 2024.
said that later the regional administration would propose a replacement for the
Acting Regent of Pringsewu before Adi Erlansyah entered retirement.
later before entering retirement, the names of potential replacements have been
proposed so that when the person concerned retires the replacement will be
ready," said Qodratul, Monday (29/5/2023).
explained, the process of submitting a replacement name for Acting Regent
Pringsewu will be the same as filling in the initial stage. Where the district,
provincial and central governments each proposed three names.
process itself is the same as the initial filling. It is proposed that 3 people
come from the district government, 3 people from the province or governor and 3
people from the central government," he explained.
Member of
Commission II of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR
RI), Endro S Yahman, assessed that the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri)
had made a carelessness when extending Adi Erlansyah's tenure as Acting Regent
of Pringsewu Regency.
“It turns
out that Adi Erlansyah will retire in 10 months. This shows the poor governance
of the state, which in this case is the responsibility of the Ministry of Home
Affairs. Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian was not careful, not thorough
and careless about proposals from below, namely from the Pringsewu Regency
DPRD, as well as the Governor of Lampung," said Endro.
emphasized that the Provincial Government of Lampung, in this case the Governor
of Lampung as an extension of the central government, was also careless,
careless and did not provide proper input to the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Minister of Home Affairs tends to be unwise in executing laws. It's like there
are no other candidates. Is this carelessness or intentional? What's going
on?" he explained.
explained, referring to the explanation of Article 201 paragraph 9 of Law
Number 10 of 2016 that the term of office of the Acting Regent is one year and
can be extended for another year with the same or a different person.
maximum interpretation of one year is intended as a space for dismissing him if
it turns out that before 1 year there are things that are deemed necessary to
dismiss him, including based on an evaluation it turns out that his performance
is not good. Not stopping halfway because he is entering retirement in the
middle of his duties," he explained.
Endro said
that the decision letter (SK) for the inauguration of the Acting Regent of
Pringsewu was strange because it exceeded his term of office. In addition,
replacing the Acting Regent of Pringsewu in the middle of the road due to
retirement age would inconvenience all parties and could potentially cause
uproar because it coincides with the 14 February 2024 simultaneous elections.
form the decision takes, because it coincides with the election, it must be
linked to politics. This is very unfavorable for the Ministry of Home Affairs,
whose main task is to manage domestic government," he said.
revealed that Commission II of the DPR RI has formed a working committee
(Panja) to evaluate the performance of regional heads which will recommend
replacing acting regional heads who are underperforming, unable to maintain
neutrality ahead of the upcoming 14 February 2024 simultaneous elections.
of Lampung (Unila) Public Policy Observer, Dedi Hermawan, said that it was only
natural that people speculated that the extension of Adi Erlansyah's tenure as
Acting Regent of Pringsewu would seem forced.
or allegations of being forced into the extension of the Acting Regent of
Pringsewu is unavoidable. This happened because the process of the appointment
itself was not made clear and clear to the public," said Dedi.
to Dedi, the community actually doesn't have a problem with who the official
appointed as Acting Regent is. However, the appointment must involve the
community so that there is no suspicion of dynastic politics.
speculation arose because the appointment was not made clear by the central and
regional governments. There are also aspects to be assessed for the extension
of the Acting Regent, such as considering his performance and track
record," he said.
Dedi said
that it was in the hands of the acting regents that the people had hopes that
their regions could develop and progress and be much better than during the
previous regent leadership.
can change local areas for the better, and this comes from leaders who have a
vision for change and a strong driving force. "For this reason, the
government cannot play games and must go through a strict process in submitting
the Acting Regent," he said.
Member of
Commission I DPRD Lampung Province, Watoni Noerdin, assessed that the central
government, in this case the Ministry of Home Affairs, has its own regulations
in appointing Acting Regents.
appointment and extension of the Acting Regent clearly have regulations, if for
example an extension means that the Ministry of Home Affairs allows it. And
there must have been consideration for this," said Watoni.
He said
that the Ministry of Home Affairs continues to evaluate the performance of
acting regional heads every three months. So it is possible that before
retiring the Acting Regent of Pringsewu will have been replaced.
three months it is always evaluated, for example until August it is evaluated,
if it is possible then it will continue. It is possible that later in February
2024 it will not be extended so that a replacement must be made," he said.
This news has been published in the Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper
edition of Tuesday 30 May 2023 with the title "Retirement Period 10 Months
Remaining, SK Acting Regent Adi Erlansyah Valid for One Year"
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