• Jumat, 18 Oktober 2024

The Corruption Eradication Commission Gives a Signal to Open a New Case for Accepting New Students at the University of Lampung

Sabtu, 27 Mei 2023 - 07.57 WIB

The Corruption Eradication Commission building. Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Corruption Eradication Commission has given a signal that it will open a new case in the 2022 University of Lampung (Unila) New Student Admissions bribery case which dragged on Karomani CS.

"Colleagues have heard that evidence has been used for other cases, so just wait for the next developments," said the Corruption Eradication Commission's prosecutor, Dian Hamis, when giving a statement, Friday 26 May 2023.

Dian said that her party would first report to the leadership to discuss and select names that meet the evidence.

"Of the several names, of course a selection will be made, which of the several names meets the evidence. Because from our version there are several people (bribery) and the judge's version is only a donation," he said.

Regarding the names Helmy Fitriawan (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Unila), Mualimin (Lecturer at Unila), Asep Sukohar (former Warek Unila) and the bribe givers in the verdict who were deemed to be responsible, Dian said these names would be considered in the future.

"That will also be taken into consideration, that's the Judge's version. Later we will also discuss it, like the Mualimin whether he will enjoy it or not. We cannot declare (a new suspect), we must wait for discussions with the leadership first," he explained.

Previously, the accused of corruption in Lampung University New Student Admissions in 2022, Prof. Karomani was sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of IDR 400 million, a subsidiary of 4 months in prison. In addition, Karomani was required to pay a compensation of IDR 8 billion 75 million.

The judge stated that the defendant Karomani was proven legally and convincingly according to law to commit the criminal act of corruption together as stipulated and subject to criminal penalties in Article 12 letter b in conjunction with Article 18 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes in the first indictment .

Karomani was also declared to have violated Article 12B paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption in the Second Charge.

Meanwhile, the defendants Heryandi and M. Basri were each sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison and a fine of IDR 200 million, a subsidiary of 2 months in prison.

In addition, the two defendants were also required to pay state compensation money. Where, the defendant Heryandi was IDR 300 million and M. Basri was IDR 150 million.

Defendants Heryandi and M Basri were found to have violated Article 12 letter b Jo Article 18 of RI Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by RI Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to RI Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes Jo Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code Jo Article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code as the first indictment.

For your information, in his charge sheet, the KPK Prosecutor concluded that Professor Karomani received money from 23 people.

The following is a list of names of people whose money was received by Professor Karomani in connection with the Admission of New Students at Unila from 2020 to 2022:

A. Receiving Money Related to PMB Unila through the SBMPTN Line

  1. On 22 June 2022 the defendant received IDR 250 million from Tugiyono (parents/family of MS).
  2. On 07 July 2022 the defendant received IDR 100 million from Evi Kurniawaty (parents/family of FRF).
  3. On 30 June 2022 the defendant received IDR 250 million from Ruskandi (parents/family of EAP).
  4. On 05 July 2022 the defendant received IDR 250 million from Zuchrady (Director of RS Airan Raya) (parents/family of RM).
  5. Around June 21, 2022 Heryandi received IDR 325 million from Fery Antonius (parents/family of MVA).
  6.  Around June 2022, Heryandi received IDR 300 million from Linda Fitri (parents/family from FLH).
  7. In 2021 after the Announcement of the SBMPTN, the defendant received IDR 400 million from Sulpakar in connection with the 2021 Admission of New Students for the Faculty of Medicine, UNILA, who is the biological child of Sulpakar (Head of the Education Office Lampung Province).
  8.  Around June 2022, the defendant received IDR 300 million from Supriyanto Husin in the Chancellor's room at Unila in connection with his son's graduation to become a student at the Unila Faculty of Medicine in 2022.

So that the total receipt of money related to the acceptance of new Unila students through the SBMPTN route entirely for 2021-2022 is IDR 2,175,000,000 with details of the Defendant receiving IDR 1,550,000,000 while Heryandi and Muhammad Basri received IDR 625,000,000.

B. Receiving Money Related to Admission of Unila New Students through the SMMPTN Line

  1. Around mid-July 2022 (after the announcement of the 2022 SMMPTN graduation), the defendant received IDR 150 million from Joko Sumarno (ranked Kombes Pol who was former Dirkrimsus Polda Banten) (Parents/family from SNA) at the defendant's private house Jalan Komarudin 12 , Rajabasa Jaya, Rajabasa District, Bandar Lampung City.
  2. On around 19 July 2022, the defendant received IDR 150 million from Hengky Malonda (a member of the Lampung Democratic Party) (Parents/family from FMH) through Mualimin at the Unila Graduate Campus.
  3. On 24 July 2022, the defendant received IDR 100 million from Ari Meizari Alfian (Representative of Zaki Alghifari) through the Mualimin at Ari Meizar Alfian's house on Jalan Retired 7 Number 12 RT 007, Gunungterang, Langkapura District, Bandar Lampung City.
  4. On around 24 July 2022, the defendant received IDR 150 million from Andi Desfiandi (already convicted of giving bribes) through the Mualimin at Ari Meizari Alfian's house on Jalan Retired 7 Number 12 RT 007, Gunungterang, Langkapura District, Bandar Lampung City.
  5. Around July 2022 (1 week after the announcement), the defendant received IDR 100 million from Sofia through Asep Sukohar at Asep Sukohar's house.
  6. At around the end of July 2022, the defendant received IDR 250 million from M Anton Wibowo (Head of Yankes Health Office of the Central Lampung Regency Government) through Mahfud Santoso (shareholder of Urip Sumohardjo Hospital Bandar Lampung) at the defendant's private house at Jalan Komarudin 12, Rajabasa Jaya , Rajabasa District, Bandar Lampung City.
  7. Around July 2022, the defendant received IDR 250 from Marzani [a member of the West Tulangbawang DPRD].
  8. On 21 July 2022, the defendant received IDR 200 million from Aneta (Parents/family of CPM).
  9. Around July 2022, the defendant received IDR 300 million from Rasmi Zakiah Oktarlina [Unila lecturer] (family/representative of ZAR).
  10. On 21 July 2022, the defendant received IDR 150 million from Evi Daryanti [Staff of PUPR Tulangbawang Service] (Parents/family from MDAA) at Evi Daryanti's private house in Gunung Terang, Bandar Lampung.
  11. Around July 26, 2022, Heryandi received IDR 155 million from Wayan Rumite [Unila lecturer] through Muhammad Basri at Muhammad Basri's house Perum Korpri Block C-3 Number 33, Korpri Raya, Sukarame, Bandar Lampung City, Lampung.
  12. Around July 2021 after the announcement of the SMMPTN, the defendant received IDR 250 million from Wayan Mustika at the Unila Rector's Office in connection with NNMD's graduation to become a New Student at the Unila PGSD Faculty in 2021.
  13. Around July 2021 after the announcement of the SMMPTN, the defendant received IDR 100 million from Hepi Hasasi (with the rank AKBP serving as Kakorsis SPN Polda Lampung) through Ariyanto Munawar at the Lampung University Rector's Office in connection with RAD's graduation to become a New Student at Unila's Faculty of Medicine in 2021.
  14. On July 20, 2022, the defendant received IDR 100 million from Mardiana (a Member of the Lampung DPRD) at the LNC Building in connection with KDA's graduation to become a New Student at the Lampung University Faculty of Medicine in 2022.
  15. Around July 2022, the defendant received IDR 300 million from Asep Jamhur (Head of Education Office of the South Lampung Regency Government) together with Sulpakar in the Chancellor's room at Lampung University. (*)

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