Observer: Infrastructure Conditions to Viral Officials Prove Lampung's Leadership Crisis

Photo: Illustration/sugawaid, Lampung English - The viral condition of heavily damaged road infrastructure to the luxurious lifestyle of officials in Lampung Province on social media is increasingly attracting public attention.
Finally, the Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi, has gone viral again on social media because he asked journalists to delete his video during an event to socialize training and coaching the implementation of regional haj officers and haj officers in organizing the Hajj pilgrimage in Lampung Province at the Springhill Golden Tulip Hotel, Bandar Lampung, Monday Last May 15, 2023.
Responding to this, Lampung University Legal Observer, Yusdianto, said that this proved that Lampung Province was experiencing a regional head leadership crisis.
Yusdianto's view is that what is currently happening in Lampung Province is a long series of errors in the mapping of government projections made by the Lampung Regional Government.
"The negative impact of viral Lampung on social media proves that there is a leadership crisis in Lampung Province," said Yusdianto, Sunday, May 21, 2023.
According to Yusdianto, so far the Regional People's Legislative Council for Lampung Province has often reminded the executive regarding various policies that have been taken.
"What I see is that the Regional House of Representatives has reminded, encouraged and forced the executive to be more aspirational in accommodating people's complaints. However, if what is forced is likened to a car breaking down, how can it go fast? I consider the Regional People's Representative Council to be working," he said.
Even so, Yusdianto hopes that the members of the Lampung Regional People's Legislative Assembly must be even louder in voicing the wishes and interests of the people of Lampung to the executive.
"The Regional House of Representatives must be louder in speaking out. So far the legislature has carried out its functions and duties, so I think it must be louder," he added.
Yusdianto suggested that local governments should be able to explore existing resources in Lampung, so that their mindset is not only spending the existing budget but collaborating and synergizing with many parties.
"Everything starts from the region, those outside (national officials from Lampung) don't know what we want. It's just a matter of willingness from the regions to work together and collaborate to advance Lampung," he said.
Including members of the Indonesian House of Representatives, continued Yusdianto, they need to work together with the Lampung regional government to develop their region. According to him, so far members of the Indonesian People's Legislative Assembly from the Lampung constituency and members of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council from Lampung have not stood out too much in fighting for the public interest. In fact, advancing Lampung Province is a joint task.
Member of the Regional Representatives Council of the Province of Lampung, Apriliati, said that the viral impact of Lampung on social media was the presence of President Jokowi and the repair of damaged roads.
However, continued Apriliati, in carrying out repairs to the damaged road there must be strict supervision not only from related agencies but also the wider community.
"The repair of the damaged road sections must receive maximum supervision so that there are no irregularities in the field alias origin without regard to road quality. Construction and repair of infrastructure must be carried out immediately, because during the rainy season it will be even worse," he concluded. (*)
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