• Rabu, 12 Maret 2025

Cattle Infected with Lumpy Skin Disease in Lampung Province Increase by 396 Heads

Rabu, 17 Mei 2023 - 08.13 WIB

Cattle are affected by Lumpy Skin Disease. Photo: Special

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The number of cows infected with Lumpy Skin Disease in Lampung Province continues to increase. If on May 9 2023 there were 273 tails, now until May 16 2023 it has increased to 396 tails.

Transmission of Lumpy Skin Disease in cattle in Lampung Province continues, even though vaccine injections have been carried out to prevent transmission of the virus.

Head of the Livestock and Animal Health Service (Disnakeswan) for Lampung Province, Lili Mawarti, said that currently the number of cows infected with Lumpy Skin Disease in Lampung Province has increased to 396 heads.

Lili revealed that Lampung Province still needs around 400 thousand to 500 thousand doses of vaccine to be injected into cattle and buffalo to prevent the spreading of the Lumpy Skin Disease virus.

"It is estimated that the need for vaccines in Lampung is at least 50 percent of the population. This means that we need around 400 thousand to 500 thousand doses. And we are continuing to strive for this by asking the central government and also submitting it in the 2023 Revised APBD," said Lili. Tuesday, May 16, 2023.

Lili explained, until now her party has distributed 10 thousand doses of the Lumpy Skin Disease vaccine from the Ministry of Agriculture to district/city governments that need it.

"We ask friends in the districts/cities to actively carry out Lumpy Skin Disease vaccinations. The Lumpy Skin Disease case in Lampung has not been declared an outbreak because this can still be handled, and officials in the districts/cities have actively socialized it to farmers," he said.

He explained, cases of Lumpy Skin Disease had been found since 2021 which entered from Riau Province. However, Lumpy Skin Disease had disappeared due to a new virus, namely Foot and Mouth Disease.

"When there was an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease, Lumpy Skin Disease disappeared and then reappeared in East Java and Central Java where the cases were extraordinary. We are still trying our best to prevent Lumpy Skin Disease from becoming like Mouth and Nail Disease," he said.

He explained that the Provincial Government of Lampung had issued a circular to districts/cities to handle this infectious disease by keeping the cages clean.

"Officers will clean the stables by giving disinfectants which were also given in the past when there was Foot and Mouth Disease. Because the handling and prevention methods are the same. The cow's immune system must be increased, such as by providing good and quality feed. And this Lumpy Skin Disease can be cured, " he said.

Until now, Lumpy Skin Disease has spread to 10 regencies/cities in Lampung Province, namely North Lampung, Tulang Bawang, South Lampung, Mesuji, West Tulang Bawang, East Lampung, Central Lampung, Way Kanan, West Lampung and Metro City.

Deputy Chairman of Commission II DPRD Lampung Province, I Made Bagiasa, asked the Lampung Provincial Government and district/city governments to accelerate vaccination of livestock to anticipate the spread of Lumpy Skin Disease so it doesn't spread further.

"Of course the vaccination must be accelerated. In addition, breeders must also understand the cleanliness of the cage because this is also important. So all must work hand in hand," he said.

He also asked the local government to cooperate with the police in supervising livestock traffic.

"Border areas must be guarded not to let sick livestock enter or leave Lampung. Moreover, this is approaching the Eid al-Adha holiday, which is sure to increase demand," he explained.

He appealed to breeders to be more vigilant and recognize the characteristics of livestock exposed to Lumpy Skin Disease.

"If there are indications that livestock are exposed to Lumpy Skin Disease, report them immediately and immediately separate them from the others. Keep the cages clean and spray disinfectant regularly," he said.

The head of the Lampung Province Meat Traders Association (APD), Tampan Sujarwadi, said that the spread of Lumpy Skin Disease in cattle so far has not had an impact on reducing the demand for beef in the market.

"Thank God, so far LSD has not had any effect on the decline in sales. And hopefully it will not be affected. Currently, prices are also stable in the range of IDR 125,000 to IDR 130,000 per kilogram," said Tampan.

He said, currently there are already several areas that have reported cattle being attacked by Lumpy Skin Disease. Therefore, he asked the local government to accelerate vaccination.

"We ask stakeholders to work hand in hand in prevention by keeping this virus from spreading further. Moreover, in the near future there will be an Eid al-Adha holiday, don't disturb breeders," he said.

He appealed to cattle breeders to always pay attention to the cleanliness of the stables and to isolate cattle with confirmed Lumpy Skin Disease.

"If cattle are found to be affected by Lumpy Skin Disease, quarantine them immediately, don't mix them with healthy cows. But with experience in handling Foot and Mouth Disease, the farmers are now alert and alert," he said. (*)

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