• Jumat, 18 Oktober 2024

Lampung Needs Lumpy Skin Disease Vaccine Up To 500 Thousand Doses

Selasa, 16 Mei 2023 - 21.22 WIB

Photo: Illustration

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Provincial Government of Lampung needs at least 400 to 500 thousand doses of vaccine to be injected into cattle and buffaloes to prevent transmission of the Lumpy Skin Disease virus which is increasingly spreading.

"It is estimated that we need a minimum of 50 percent of the population for the vaccine. This means that we need around 400 to 500 thousand doses. And we will continue to try to do this by asking the center and we will also submit it in the Revised APBD," said the Head of the Livestock and Animal Health Service for Lampung Province, Lili Mawarti, when questioned, Tuesday 16 May 2023.

Lili explained, her party had distributed 10,000 doses of the Lumpy Skin Disease vaccine from the Ministry of Agriculture to district/city governments that needed it.

"We ask our friends in the districts/cities to actively carry out Lumpy Skin Disease vaccinations. The Lumpy Skin Disease case in Lampung has also not been declared an outbreak because we can still handle this and friends and officials in the districts/cities have actively socialized it to farmers. ," he explained.

According to him, cases of Lumpy Skin Disease have started to be found in 2021, which came from Riau Province. However, the Lumpy Skin Disease disappeared due to a new virus, namely Foot and Mouth Disease.

"At that time there was an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease so Lumpy Skin Disease disappeared and then reappeared in East Java and Central Java where the cases were extraordinary and we tried our best to prevent Lumpy Skin Disease from becoming like Mouth and Nail Disease," he said.

He continued, the steps taken by the Provincial Government of Lampung were to issue circulars to handle other infectious diseases by keeping the cages clean.

"Officers handle the success of the barn by providing the disinfectant that we previously gave for Foot and Mouth Disease because the handling and prevention methods are the same. The cow's immune system must be increased, such as by providing good and quality feed. Lumpy Skin Disease can be cured," concluded Lili. (*)

KUPAS TV Video: Bandar Lampung Zero Cases of Livestock LSD