• Jumat, 18 Oktober 2024

Farmers in West Lampung Complain about Lower Carrot Prices

Minggu, 14 Mei 2023 - 18.38 WIB

Carrot farmers in Tanjung Raya Village, Sukau District screamed that the price of carrots had fallen. Photo: Echa/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - Farmers in Tanjung Raya Village, Sukau District are complaining about the drop in carrot prices to IDR 1,500 per kilogram from the previous price of around IDR 3,000 per kilogram.

Eli, a farmer from Tanjung Raya Village, Sukau District, said that the decline in market prices for carrots was due to the large stock of carrots on the market due to the same harvest season.

"Because the harvest coincides with other regions, there is still a lot of stock on the market, so the price has dropped by 50 percent, which was IDR 3,000, now it's only IDR 1,500 per kilogram," said Eli when questioned, Sunday 14 May 2023.

The drop in the price of carrots made farmers restless and almost gave up. This condition is exacerbated because the high prices of fertilizers and medicines are not comparable to their declining agricultural income, moreover subsidized fertilizers are very difficult to obtain.

"Fertilizers and medicines are now expensive, especially with subsidized fertilizers, the stocks are scarce and very difficult to obtain, so farmers are increasingly screaming at the current situation," concluded Eli.

Meanwhile, a vegetable collector in Tanjung Raya Village, Sukau District, Risa said, the decline in carrot prices had occurred gradually since the last few weeks, even ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday some time ago.

"So the decline has been gradual since approaching Eid al-Fitr some time ago until now, the worst price is up to Rp. 1,500, maybe because there are still lots of stocks in the market that affect prices at the farm level," said Risa.

However, despite the decline in the carrot commodity, Risa admitted that a number of other commodities experienced an increase, including cabbage, green beans and tomatoes, although some time ago they also experienced a decline.

"For tomatoes it has also decreased, but now it has increased again, previously IDR 800 per kilogram, now it has reached IDR 3,500 per kilogram," concluded Risa. (*)

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