• Rabu, 12 Maret 2025

Cows Exposed to LSD Disease in Metro Lampung Increased by 12 Cows

Jumat, 12 Mei 2023 - 15.10 WIB

Health worker giving an injection of medicine to a cow infected with LSD. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Metro - The Metro City Food Security, Agriculture and Fisheries Service (DKP3) recorded an additional 12 cases of livestock exposed to Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD). From previously 35 tails now become 47 tails.

Head of Metro City DKP3, Heri Wiratno, revealed that all livestock infected with LSD were cattle. Of the 47 animals suffering from LSD, one animal has been declared cured.

"The total number of cows exposed to LSD has increased to 47 cows. Previously there were 35 cows, so the increase was 12 cows. But 1 cow has been declared cured," he said Friday (12/5/2023).

Heri said that now exposure to LSD in livestock has spread to four sub-districts throughout Metro. Livestock exposed to LSD experience symptoms of growing lumps on the skin.

"Initially yesterday it appeared in Metro East, in the Yosodadi and Tejosari Subdistrict areas. Then in Metro South District in Margodadi and Sumbersari Sub-Districts, the same as Rejomulyo. Now it is in North Metro in the Karangrejo Sub-District area, it is the same in Metro West Sub-District in Mulyojati Sub-District," he explained .

"Cows that are exposed to LDS usually experience symptoms of lumps appearing on the cattle's bodies. In addition, cows that are affected by this disease also experience fever and have no appetite," he added.

Heri admitted that his party had been intense in preventing exposure and treating sick cows by giving them vitamins and antibiotics.

"Prevention efforts are carried out by vaccinating healthy animals. Then limiting the infected areas, apart from that we have also carried out sanitation in the cages," he said.

Separately, Head of Animal Husbandry Division of Metro City DKP3, Lina Oktira, admitted that her party had moved to provide free medical treatment for livestock affected by LSD and Mouth Nail Disease (PMK).

"We urge all breeders to spray insecticides while still paying attention to the safety of livestock. So the point is to drive away insects such as flies, mosquitoes and ticks from the cages. Spraying is done with the right dose so that the livestock's skin does not blister," he explained.

"To anticipate breeders who have not received treatment from Puskeswan, this free treatment is being carried out. We have distributed flyers and brochures containing contact persons for veterinarians on duty in each sub-district," he stated. (*)