• Jumat, 18 Oktober 2024

The General Election Commission of Lampung Has Accepted 14 Candidates for the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia

Kamis, 11 Mei 2023 - 20.32 WIB

4 applicants for candidates for the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, Lampung Province. Thursday, 11 May 2023. Photo: Yudha/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - As many as 4 applicants for the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia, Lampung Province, namely Farah Amalia, Tulus Purnomo, Devi Siswandani, Jihan Chalim Nurlela, have officially registered themselves with the Lampung General Election Commission on Thursday, 11 May 2023 Now there are 14 registrants.

Farah Amalia said during a press conference that if she had been elected as the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, she would pay more attention to all elements of society, working together to respond to the challenges that occurred.

"Especially labor groups, farmers, fishermen, youth, and other stakeholders, with a spirit of collaboration, I believe all challenges in society can be managed properly," said Farah.

He himself wanted to express his gratitude for the initial support from the people of Lampung in the form of an identity card (KTP).

"In the Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) the minimum requirement is 3,000 supports in the form of photocopies of ID cards or letters of support, and we were able to collect 10,000 supports spread across various areas of Lampung Province, we thank you," said Farah.

Tulus Purnomo said that he has more than 16 years of experience, so his desire to continue to be useful means that he must be able to enter the government, and he has received encouragement from various workers and farmers.

"I registered as a candidate for the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia also because of aspirations and also encouragement from friends that I was still needed to work with them," said Tulus.

Devi Siswandani, during the press conference, highlighted the problem of agriculture in Lampung, which according to her, Lampung has abundant potential and must be supported by good agricultural infrastructure.

"We know that agricultural products in Lampung are the highest nationally, such as rice, coffee, cassava pepper. They must be supported by agricultural infrastructure. I also have aspirations for Lampung to be included in the 10 provinces with the highest economic growth in Indonesia," he concluded.

While Jihan Chalim said that he would continue to voice the aspirations of the people, he also appreciated what the Lampung youth had done who dared to voice their aspirations regarding road infrastructure.

"Every time I have a work meeting I always voice how in Lampung it is extraordinarily good but the access cannot be reached. I keep voicing so that I can solve the existing problems," he concluded.

To note, in addition to the registration of legislative candidates for the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, today there is also registration of legislative candidates for the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) of Lampung Province from the Regional Representative Council (DPD) PDI Perjuangan Lampung, then the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) NasDem .

Meanwhile, the PKS Lampung Regional Leadership Council (DPW) became the first party to have registered legislative candidates on Monday, May 8, 2023.

KPU Commissioner for Technical Affairs of Lampung Province, Ismanto said, since it opened on May 1 to May 10 2023, only 10 prospective legislative candidates for the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) have registered with KPU Lampung.

The 10 legislative candidates for the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) who have registered are Abdul Hakim, Davit Kurniawan, Benny Uzer, Ahmad Bastian SY, Petrus Tjandra, Bustami Zainudin, Khaidir Bujung, SM Herlambang, H. Supeno and Almira Nabila Fauzi.

"So there are still 3 legislative candidates for the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) who have not registered, out of 17 candidates who have been declared eligible," said Ismanto.

"Apart from that, up to today, 3 parties have submitted registrations whose status has been accepted, and later there will be a repair schedule. We are also still waiting for the latest PKPU," he concluded. (*)

Kupas TV Video : Accompanied by Cultural Attractions, PDI Perjuangan Lampung Registers Legislative Candidates to the General Election Commission

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