Arrested by Polda Lampung, Civil Servant in West Tulangbawang Positive for Drugs

illustration, West Tulang Bawang - A civil servant in one of the services in West Tulangbawang (Tubaba) Regency, Lampung, with the initials RD, was arrested by police from the Lampung Police Narcotics Investigation Directorate a few days ago.
The person was arrested on suspicion of using methamphetamine.
When confirmed, the Lampung Regional Police Director of Narcotics, Kombes Pol Erlin Tangjaya, confirmed the arrest of the person. "That's right, there was (RD's arrest)," said Erlin. Thursday, 11 May 2023.
Erlin said that the results of the arrest did not find any evidence of drugs, but only used goods.
"There is no evidence of drugs, only used residue and after checking his urine, he is positive for using drugs," he said.
Asked whether the person was acquitted, Erlin admitted that the person concerned was only subject to a mandatory report.
"Currently, I want to be assessed at the Lampung Province National Narcotics Agency because there is no evidence. It has not been released until it is actively assessed and required to report. I will ask the Head of Sub-Directorate 2 later," he added.
When contacted, Head of Sub-Directorate 2 of the Lampung Police Directorate of Narcotics AKBP Sastra Budi said that RD was secured at his home in Menggala on Wednesday, March 7, 2023.
"We did not find evidence of drugs in the person concerned. We will conduct an assessment (rehabilitation)," he said briefly.
For your information, if a Civil Servant is arrested by the police for drug abuse, in addition to receiving criminal sanctions, they will also receive strict official sanctions in the form of temporary dismissal.
This is based on Law Number 5 of 2014, Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning the discipline of Civil Servants. And Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 concerning Management of Civil Servants, which regulates sanctions for Civil Servants who violate discipline. (*)
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