• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

273 Cattle in Lampung Indonesia Infected with LSD Disease, Spread in 10 Regencies/Cities

Rabu, 10 Mei 2023 - 08.55 WIB

Characteristics of cows infected with LSD. Photo: Special

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - As many as 273 cows in Lampung Province of Indonesia have been infected with Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) or lumps on the skin. This deadly disease in livestock has spread in 10 districts/cities.

Head of the Livestock and Animal Health Service (Disnakeswan) of Lampung Province, Lili Mawarti said, Lumpy Skin Disease is an infectious animal disease that attacks cattle or buffalo caused by the smallpox virus (Pox Virus/Poxviridae) with symptoms of swelling of the defense glands around the skin. .

Then it progresses to nodules, bleeding and necrosis, smallpox lesions on the mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory tracts, thick discharge in the eyes and nose and causes respiratory problems.

"The spread of LSD varies from 45-50 percent of the livestock population with a livestock mortality rate below 10 percent. This disease is transmitted through the bites of insects such as mosquitoes, blood-sucking flies and ticks which can spread between livestock at close and long distances," said Lili, Tuesday (9/5/23).

However, continued Lili, LSD disease is not contagious to humans but causes high economic losses due to decreased milk production, abortion, skin damage, weight loss and causes livestock death as well as additional losses due to restrictions on the movement of livestock for trade.

"The clinical symptoms can be treated asymptomatically, including by administering anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, supportive therapy and antibiotics for the treatment and prevention of secondary infections," She explained.

Lili revealed that LSD had spread to 10 regencies/cities in Lampung Province, namely North Lampung, Tulang Bawang, South Lampung, Mesuji, West Tulang Bawang, East Lampung, Central Lampung, Way Kanan, West Lampung and Metro City.

"For the number of cases as of May 9, 2023, there were 273 sick, 4 conditionally slaughtered, 2 died and 69 have been declared cured and 197 are still in the treatment process," She said.

Her party has taken steps to control and prevent LSD since 2021 through a circular letter to increase awareness of LSD to districts/cities.

"This vigilance is carried out by taking control measures and limiting the entry and exit of livestock in their respective areas. Then carrying out control efforts if livestock with symptoms of LSD are found, including isolation, tightening biosecurity, medication, increasing livestock immunity and carrying out conditional slaughter if possible according to applicable regulations," she explained.

She continued, in the near future he would return to vaccinate LSD for 10,000 birds spread across 15 districts/cities. Currently, his party has carried out vaccinations of 1,200 head of livestock in the UPTD within the Livestock and Animal Health Service.

"Vaccination was also carried out for livestock in three districts which had been confirmed earlier, namely South Lampung, North Lampung and Tulang Bawang Regencies," She added.

She explained, cattle fattening companies or feedlots have also carried out vaccinations independently of livestock in the company and around the farm. And as of April 2023, 84,720 doses of the vaccine have been vaccinated.

"With the additional 10,000 doses of vaccine, the number of livestock that will be vaccinated in Lampung will be 95,920. However, this number is still very low when compared to the total population of cattle and buffalo which reached 865,484," She explained.

The Metro City Food Security, Agriculture and Fisheries Service (DKP3) noted that as many as 35 cattle were infected with LSD. Head of DKP3 Metro, Heri Wiratno through the Head of the Animal Husbandry Division, Lina Oktarina said, his party had moved to provide free treatment for livestock affected by LSD.

"As of May 7, 2023, it was recorded that 35 cows in Metro were infected with LSD. We urge all breeders to be able to spray insecticide while still paying attention to the safety of livestock," said Lina, Tuesday (9/5/23).

Lina asked the breeders to remove insects such as flies, mosquitoes and ticks from the cow pens. Breeders who will do the spraying should use the right dose so that the skin of the livestock does not get scalded.

Lina revealed, her party together with the Puskeswan had anticipated by providing free medical services to the residents' livestock.

"LSD disease has started to spread in Metro since the beginning of Eid. The first case was found in Yosodadi. However, now it has spread to several other areas in Metro," he stated.

"In order to anticipate the spread of the disease, the Metro City Government has issued Circular (SE) Number: 4 / SE/ D-09 / 2023 concerning increasing awareness of LSD in Metro City. DKP3 will continue to carry out prevention by providing medication It's free until May 17, 2023," he said.

In Central Lampung Regency, LSD disease has attacked dozens of cows in Kampung Negara Bumi Udik, Anak Tuha District.

Riswan, a resident of Negara Bumi Udik, said that two of his cows had LSD. "My cow got hit by two tails, namely the mother and her calf. Until now his condition is getting worse, he doesn't want to eat at all. At first the cows were salivating, then there were lumps on the cow's skin," said Riswan, Monday (8/5/23).

Riswan revealed, day by day the number of lumps that appear on the cow's body is increasing. The cow's appetite has also decreased. “The vet has already injected. But there is no development, just give up if it's like this. Currently there are dozens of cows affected by such a disease, "he said.

Salman, another resident, said that his cow had been infected with LSD for a week. "At first, only a few lumps came out on the skin. But more and more day by day," said Salman.

Currently, the condition on the cow's leg has swollen, the skin is starting to peel and there are sores resembling scabs near the toenails. "His nose keeps running like a runny nose and his appetite decreases," he said. (*)

This news was published in the Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper edition on Wednesday 10 May 2023 with the title "273 Cattle in Lampung Infected with LSD"