Pringsewu Regency Will Recruit 1105 Government Employees with Contract Agreements, Here's the Formation

Photo: Special, Pringsewu - In 2023 the Pringsewu Regency Government will recruit 1105 Government Employees with Contract Agreements for the formation of education, health and technical personnel.
Head of Procurement Development and Information for State Civil Apparatus, Dimas said, regarding this recruitment, the Pringsewu Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency is making preparations, namely preparing needs.
"Selection for accepting Government Employees with a Contract Agreement to follow up on Minister of Finance Regulation No. 212 dated 28 December 2022," said Dimas, representing the Head of the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency, Eko Sumarmi, Monday (8/5/2023).
According to Dimas, based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance, the maximum number of proposals for Government Employees with Contract Agreements is 1545. However, Pringsewu proposed 1105 according to existing needs.
"Right now it is still in the stage of the proposal process to the Center at the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform," he added.
He said that proposals for needs were limited until May 13, 2023 through an e-formation system overseen by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform.
"So for formation (education, health, general) we will announce later after there are fixed figures from the center," he added.
Dimas said that currently the number of Government Employees with Contract Agreements in Pringsewu Regency who already have Decrees is 541. Meanwhile, 107 other P3K are still waiting for Decrees.
"The Decree of 107 Government Employees with Contract Agreements is still in the process of filing verification," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Pringsewu Health Service, Dr. Ulinnoha said, his party proposed the formation of Government Employees with Contract Agreements within the Health Service as many as 387 people according to needs. The proposal is submitted by the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency to be forwarded to the Central Office.
"For the next stage, we are still waiting for information, both technical instructions and the selection process," he said in short. (*)
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