Lampung Provincial Government Still Debts IDR 695 Billion Revenue Sharing Fund in 2022

Plenary Session of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia's Audit Report on the financial reports of the regional government of Lampung Province for the 2022 Fiscal Year. Monday, 8 May 2023. Photo: Ria/, Bandar Lampung - The Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia submitted a report on the results of an examination of the financial reports of the regional government of Lampung Province for 2022 which took place in the plenary session room of the Regional People's Representative Council of Lampung Province. Monday, May 8, 2023.
The Provincial Government of Lampung has again won an Unqualified Opinion for the 9th time in a row from the Audit Report of the Republic of Indonesia Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia on the Financial Statements of the Regional Government of Lampung Province for the 2022 Fiscal Year.
Member of the Five Supreme Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia, Ahmadi Noor Supit explained, there were several recommendations and notes related to the financial reports of the regional government of Lampung Province which had to be completed and followed up by the local government immediately.
He explained, one of these recommendations was that the Lampung Provincial Government was considered not optimal in allocating and budgeting for regional tax revenue-sharing in 2022 to the District Government or City Government.
"Revenue-sharing funds to district or city governments that are owed as of December 31, 2022 amount to IDR 695.57 billion, so these revenue-sharing funds cannot be utilized by district or city governments to finance activities in a timely manner," said Ahmadi.
In addition, the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia also highlighted the development of the Kota Baru area which will be used as the center of government for Lampung Province, but until now there has been no continuation of development which has caused the building to be abandoned.
"The construction of the Kota Baru area as the new provincial capital has not been achieved. The buildings that have been built are neglected and damaged so that they have the potential to harm regional finances and borrowing and using assets that do not comply with the provisions are at risk of being lost," he explained.
He also explained, the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia found work that did not comply with specifications of IDR 2.36 billion for 156 physical work packages in the form of buildings and roads and overpayment for work packages for the procurement of machine tools of IDR 10.61 billion.
"Our hope is that this report will serve as a reference for the Governor as the representative of the central government in the regions to further enhance their guidance function to the Regency or City governments and for the Regional People's Representative Council to carry out the oversight function of regional financial management and responsibility," he said.
He also explained that regional governments are obliged to follow up on recommendations on audit reports to the Supreme Audit Agency no later than 60 days after the audit report is received.
"As of semester 2 of 2022, the Lampung provincial government has followed up on 1,388 recommendations and 1,711 recommendations or 81.12 percent above the national average of 75 percent of the total recommendations for the 2005-2022 period," he said.
Meanwhile, Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi explained that in the near future his party would immediately distribute Revenue Sharing Funds to Regencies and Cities which are still in debt to date.
"One of the DBHs that is still recorded has not been sent because I am conducting an evaluation. Where the revenue-sharing funds must be used for development, but in reality this is to pay debts. Not that I hold it on purpose, but I want to remind you," said Arinal.
On this occasion Arinal also explained that obtaining an Unqualified Opinion was a form of responsibility and the result of the hard work of all parties, both from the Regional Apparatus Organization as the accounting entity and the Regional People's Representative Council as the legislature.
"In essence, an Unqualified Opinion is an achievement for the performance of the Lampung Provincial Government's Financial Management which we have been doing so far to create good governance," he concluded. (*)
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