• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

91 Thousand People in Lampung Have Used Digital Citizenship Identity

Minggu, 07 Mei 2023 - 17.19 WIB

Head of the Population and Civil Registration Office of Lampung Province, Achmad Saefullah. Photo: Documents/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Population and Civil Registration Office of Lampung Province noted that up to now as many as 91,925 people in the local area have used a Digital Population Identity.

"Until now, there are 91,925 people in Lampung who have used Digital Population Identity out of 7,590,322 people who have recorded their Identity Cards," said Head of the Population and Civil Registry Service for Lampung Province, Achmad Saefullah when questioned, Sunday 7 May 2023.

Achmad explained, if this year his party is targeting the people of Lampung who will use a Digital Population Identity of 25 percent of the population who have recorded their Identity Cards.

"Our target this year is that 25 percent of the people of Lampung can use a Digital Population Identity and we are optimistic that this will be achieved if there is awareness and desire from the people themselves. We have also carried out efforts to pick up the ball," he explained.

He asked all Regency/Municipal Population and Civil Registry Services to play an active role in inviting people who come to record or update data on National Identity Cards to be registered directly into a Digital Population Identity.

"People who come to the Population and Civil Registry office to make changes to their data or to make recordings immediately activate their Digital Population Identity. Especially in densely populated areas such as Central Lampung. Moreover, they already have a public service mall," he said.

Achmad revealed that the community will get many benefits if they use a Digital Population Identity. Where people will find it easier when conducting public service transactions only through mobile phones.

"There are also many features, such as the Health and Employment Social Security Organizing Agency. Then data on recipients of social assistance and also Taxpayer Identification Numbers. Meanwhile for the voter cards themselves there is a renewal of cooperation between the General Elections Commission and the Director General of Population and Civil Registry," said Ahmad. (*)

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