• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Intentions to Escape from Fighting, Teenager Dies in South Lampung

Rabu, 03 Mei 2023 - 19.40 WIB

The victim died Arif Arda at the scene of the incident. Photo: Special.

Kupastuntas.co, South Lampung - A teenage brawl broke out as a result of a dropout teenager from Seloretno Village, Sidomulyo District, South Lampung Regency named Arif Arda (17) who died after falling from a motorbike.

South Lampung Police Chief AKBP Edwin said the incident occurred on Tuesday 2 May 2023, around 23.00 WIB in Campang Tiga Village, Sidomulyo District.

"The incident started when there was going to be a fight between a group of youths, who made an appointment via the Instagram social media account," said Edwin, when confirmed. Wednesday, May 3, 2023 afternoon.

Edwin continued, the youth group on behalf of WRPNLL led by Rahmat Hidayat (20), a resident of Umbul Duren Hamlet, Seloretno Village, Sidomulyo District, made an appointment to meet with a group of youths from Katibung District.

"They made an appointment to meet in front of PT Evergreen in Campang Tiga Village, Sidomulyo District. Then a group of WRPNLL youths departed on 7 motorbikes or or 15 people," continued the Police Chief.

Just approaching the location, the WRPNLL group was awaited by a group of youths from Katibung with a larger number and sounding firecrackers.

"Because a group of youths from Sidomulyo were outnumbered, they turned around and fled. Then, they were chased by a group of youths from Katibung on motorbikes," said Edwin.

It was then that a young man from Katibung swung a sickle at the motorcycle driven by Diko (20) and riding Arif Arda and MZ (18).

Suddenly, Arif Arda parried the slash using a saw-shaped iron plate. As a result, Diko, who was driving the motorbike, swerved and got out of control and fell.

"Brother AF was seriously injured and then rushed to the Sidomulyo Inpatient Health Center and was declared dead," explained the Chief of Police.

Meanwhile, Diko only suffered abrasions on his feet and MZ was seriously injured and was taken by his family for treatment at Bob Baazar Kalianda Hospital.

Head of General Administration of Bob Bazaar Kalianda Hospital, Yus Bambang Bilabora stated that a patient named MZ is now being treated in the operating room.

"The patient on behalf of MZ was treated in the operating room, due to head injuries and abrasions," he said briefly. (*)

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