• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Again! The National Road Section in West Lampung is at Risk of Breaking Up

Rabu, 03 Mei 2023 - 18.03 WIB

The condition of the national road section of Kubu Perahu Village, Balik Bukit District, is in danger of being cut off. Photo: Echa/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, West Lampung - The problem of road infrastructure on the national road section, to be precise in Pekon (Village) Kubu Perahu, Balik Bukit District, which is badly damaged and often causes casualties, is now the same national road section but at a different point it is in danger of breaking up due to the subsidence of the road shoulder on the left side.

Based on Kupastuntas.co monitoring on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, the subsidence of the shoulder of the road has almost taken up part of the road.

This condition was exacerbated because the position of the collapsed road shoulder was right at a bend and made motorists have to be extra careful when passing, especially for vehicles with large tonnages.

At the location, it can be seen that some of the asphalt on the road has fallen to the bottom of the ravine. Even though a dividing line has been installed, it is still felt that it does not provide a sense of security and comfort for motorists. This is because only part of the road is passable and motorists have to take turns crossing when they arrive at that point.

Lingga, one of the passing road users, said that the collapse of the road linking West Lampung and West Coast Regencies had occurred a long time ago, but only occurred on the shoulder of the road, because the rain intensity was quite high in recent months, the damage had gotten worse and had eaten up the road.

"Before Eid yesterday, it was just the sidelines. It's getting worse here and it's not being repaired anyway, to pass one lane you have to change first," said Lingga, when interviewed by Kupastuntas.co, Wednesday, May 3, 2023.

According to him, so far no permanent repairs have been carried out by the parties concerned for the damage that has occurred, in fact local residents often go down to the location to regulate traffic during the homecoming season and the return flow of Eid.

"Hopefully this will be repaired soon and the real fix, because actually there are lots of collapsed roads like this, but they have been repaired permanently. Meanwhile, this was repaired, but then it broke again, so if it can be repaired permanently, it's right," he concluded.

Meanwhile Muzanni, other drivers also expect the same thing. According to him, fast and permanent repairs need to be carried out by related parties to prevent unwanted things, because if this continues, it is feared that the road conditions will get worse.

"If this isn't repaired immediately, it will definitely get worse. Moreover, this is almost half of the road that has collapsed, if left continuously it can be dangerous, if it is broken, it can completely paralyze the mobilization of these road users," he concluded.

Responding to this, the field technical coordinator of the National Road Implementation Office for the regional two work unit, Rusmadi Gani, said that the damage to the road was included in this year's repair plan, but he could not confirm exactly what repairs would be carried out.

"Yes, we are trying to get a repair budget. Hopefully it will be fixed soon this year," said Rusmadi when contacted via WhatsApp. (*)

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