• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Suspect in the Murder of a 6-Year-Old Child in West Lampung Indonesia Threatened with the Death Penalty

Selasa, 02 Mei 2023 - 21.42 WIB

Irwandi when acting out the scene when he killed his cousin. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, West Lampung - The West Lampung Resort Police (Polres) staged a reconstruction of the murder case committed by suspect Irwandi (22) against Ahsan Fadil Aditya (6), who is none other than the suspect's biological cousin, in the reconstruction there were as many as 30 suspects scene done.

West Lampung Police Chief (Kapolres), AKBP Heri Sugeng Priyantho through the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kasat Reskrim), Iptu Juherdi Sumandi said, all the scenes that were shown were the result of the suspect's statement from the beginning of the arrest and there were no changes, and all the witnesses involved confirmed what the accused described.

"In this reconstruction process, investigators presented as many as 8 witnesses, including from the medical side or from the health center who handled the victim at the time of the incident, and several scenes depicting the suspect killing the victim are in scenes 16-20," said Juherdi when questioned, Tuesday (2/05/2023).

Juherdi said, when the suspect killed the victim, the suspect gave three stabs to the victim, namely in the neck, face, hands and back of the victim which caused the victim to die.

"For the article we are imposing, namely 340, which is the highest because the results of the examination of the suspect had planned to kill two days before the incident occurred, so the penalty imposed was the death penalty," he said.

Regarding the suspect's mental condition, Juherdi said, based on the information provided by the suspect, which never changed, it showed that he was in a healthy condition, and the victim did not admit that he had ever received treatment at a mental hospital (RSJ). However, he admitted that he had undergone rehabilitation due to drugs.

Meanwhile, when the suspect was questioned, he admitted that he had planned to kill the victim two days before, because he felt like he was an illegitimate child by the victim's parents and was always being used.

"I am hurt because I feel enslaved by the victim's family as well as the victim, and I feel that I am not considered a child by the victim's family," said the perpetrator.

The suspect admitted that he had held grudges and hurt the victim's family since three months before the incident occurred. "He (the victim) did not think of me as an older brother, he continued to fight," he concluded. (*)