• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

National Education Day 2023, the Mayor of Bandar Lampung Focuses on Improving the Quality of Teacher Human Resources

Selasa, 02 Mei 2023 - 17.37 WIB

Mayor of Bandar Lampung, Eva Dwiana while reviewing the implementation of the exam at SMPN 01 Bandar Lampung. Tuesday, 2 May 2023. Photo: Sri/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Mayor of Bandar Lampung, Eva Dwiana said, that the Commemoration of National Education Day 2023 would be a momentum to improve the quality of Human Resources, especially teachers.

"At this National Education Day, we hope that the quality of these teacher human resources will be further improved, one of which is by continuing their education to a higher level," said Eva, while reviewing the implementation of the exam at SMPN 01 Bandar Lampung. Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

Moreover, he continued, the City Government provided scholarships for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels to improve the quality of teachers in Bandar Lampung.

"If the quality of the teachers is good, then the students will also be better. So that the quality of education in the city of Bandar Lampung will be even better in the future," he explained.

Eva also hopes that school children who are taking exams can pass everything.

"Thank God, the exams were conducive, even though today was also the National Education Day ceremony. The hopes of the children's mothers can pass 100 percent of them with satisfactory grades," he said.

So that, he explained, these children will be able to enter the superior schools they want. However, if there are still children who drop out of school, then immediately report it to the government, through the village head or sub-district head.

"So that the government provides scholarships and training. But we hope that no one will drop out of school," he hoped.

He added, this year the city government itself provides scholarships for 1,000 children.

"Everything is paid in advance both for uniforms and other costs. But we cannot mention the budget yet, because each child is different according to their needs," he stated. (*)

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