• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

400 Kilometers of Roads in Lampung Indonesia Damaged

Selasa, 02 Mei 2023 - 08.25 WIB

One of the sightings of a damaged road in the Lampung region, Indonesia. Photo: Documents.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - All 400 kilometers of roads which are the responsibility of Indonesian's Lampung Province are in a damaged condition. The Regional Secretary of Lampung Province, Fahrizal Darminto said that it would be repaired in stages.

Fahrizal said that the 400-kilometer road is divided into several segments spread across districts/cities and will be repaired according to the financial capacity of the local government.

"Indeed, the burden on our roads is heavy, the total provincial roads are approximately 1,700 kilometers and the stable ones are 76 percent exceeding the target of the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan. This means that the less stable 24 percent is approximately 400 kilometers and this will be completed in stages," said Fahrizal, when questioned, some time ago.

According to Fahrizal, the repair itself will be carried out evenly in all regencies/cities, especially for roads that can boost the regional economy.

However, the regional budget is not only focused on improving infrastructure, but also for the health and education sectors.

"From the limited budget, we will do equal distribution of all sections in the district/city. But actually if we want to handle one road segment it can be completed, but it's impossible because there is no principle of equal distribution," he said.

Head of the Highways and Construction Services for Lampung Province, Febrizal Levi Sukmana, said that this year at least roads with a length of up to 200 kilometers will be repaired with a budget of approximately IDR 676 billion.

"Priority roads that will be handled are at least 14 segments and all of these have completed the tender after this, repairs will be carried out immediately," he said.

Provincial roads in the Central Lampung Regency and Metro City are now in a severely damaged condition. And this has been going on for years. As a result, the wheels of the community's economy also faltered.

In Lamteng district, a damaged road stretches from Bandar Jaya to Mandala. This road section connects the Districts of Terbanggi Besar, Seputih Mataram and Bandar Mataram until it breaks through Jalan Lintas Pantai Timur, which is the main access for the local community's economy.

Monitoring at the location, a road with a deep pothole was found when entering the Karang Endah Village area. Car drivers must walk slowly to be able to cross the potholes.

The road starts smoothly in the form of rigid concrete, when entering the Karang Endah Shrimp River to the field of Nambah Dadi Village. After that the road returned to potholes starting from Onoharjo Village, Fajar Mataram, Qurnia Mataram, Rejosari, Sumber Agung, Utama Jaya, Varia Agung, Wirata Agung, Bumi Setia, Banjar Agung to Kampung Mandala.

Meanwhile the provincial road in Metro that was damaged was on Jalan Patimura which connects Metro City with Central Lampung Regency. (*)

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